Who else is waiting for that first egg?

We just got our 1st egg today. Not sure who laid it; we have 14 pullets, but I suspect our red sex link. She's been squatting for a few weeks now. She laid it in the poop board ( not very appetizing )! It was also soft shelled. Unfortunately they ate it before I saw it. Hope this doesn't start a problem. We have about 4 that look ready, so hopefully, we'll have some edible eggs soon! Pullets were hatched on March 3rd

Thats about how old ours are. So far only our Isa Brown and an unidentified duck are laying. We have 2 RIR that have red combs & waddles so I assume they are next.
My girls are sleeping in their nesting boxes at night so after reading all this, I am going to block them off until they start laying. Am I understanding that they don't normally lay eggs at night? What about the golf balls, do people put them in there so they will think they are eggs. Love all the info, and so nice to know I am not the only one that loves her chickens. They are not laying yet but am hoping will get so,e eggs in a few weeks.

I blocked my nest boxes off until close to laying time, I also bought white wooden eggs from the local craft store and painted them Brown, as I have only brown egg layers, it was cheaper to buy white wooden eggs for .99 cents oppose to the brown wooden ones for $3 each. It took 2 of them about a month to catch on but the other 2 immediately started using the nest boxes. Now I don't have to go in the coop anymore to collect their rent:)
My girls are sleeping in their nesting boxes at night so after reading all this, I am going to block them off until they start laying. Am I understanding that they don't normally lay eggs at night? What about the golf balls, do people put them in there so they will think they are eggs. Love all the info, and so nice to know I am not the only one that loves her chickens. They are not laying yet but am hoping will get so,e eggs in a few weeks.

I put 2-3 in each of my makeshift boxes and got an egg the next day. BUT she was squatting, wandering off from the flock and making one hell of a racquet.
I, too, am anxiously awaiting that first egg! This is my first flock ever and my 20 hens are 14 weeks old today. Still have the nest boxes covered...not sure how long to wait to uncover them. Any suggestions?
I have:
7 Buff Orpingtons
7 Australorps
6 Light Brahmas

I know the Light Brahmas are slow to mature but for the others my hopes are by about 18-20 weeks old I may find an egg?? Just gotta wait and see, I guess..

The comb is too red, too early for it to be a pullet. And he has narrow black bands and wider bands of white. Pullets do not turn red in the comb until they are point of lay. No pullet is close to egg laying at nine weeks old.
My barred rock pullet had a comb about that size when we got her at 22 weeks.I also second the comment about the barring.Sorry looks like Rocky not Rockette.
The comb is too red, too early for it to be a pullet. And he has narrow black bands and wider bands of white. Pullets do not turn red in the comb until they are point of lay. No pullet is close to egg laying at nine weeks old.

okay, Thanks for the information.... thats what I was thinking... it's been years since we had chickens but some things are coming back...

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