Who else is waiting for that first egg?

My hens are 13 weeks and I know I still have a while before there will be eggs, I have to admit that I peek into the nest boxes every couple of days anyway.. Mine are RIR, Buff Orpington, Gold sex link, and speckled Sussex.
There has a been a stray dog around. Two made it back. I'm so sad my favorite little momma can't befound. Just a pile of feathers. My neighbor said he daw the dog earlier.

Aww poor little things. I am so afraid to free range my chickens because of this. They are in a pen that is completely enclosed. It is plenty big enough to not let them out but I do let them out in the yard when I can stay with them. We have leash laws around here but few people abide by it. So sorry, and hope you find your little girls!
Our chicks look to be the same age, 21 weeks old as of today. We have Ameraucanas (Easter Eggers from Ideal Hatchery in Texas), RIR's, Buff Orpingtons, White Leghorns and Barred Rocks. We got the first egg on Saturday (20+ weeks) from a RIR, the next day we got two eggs from Buff Orpingtons, one from an Ameraucana and a two from RIR's. Yesterday one each from the same three breeds and today none. We are shocked that the White Leghorns weren't first.
Oh wow the girls did it! 17 week old Australorps the eggs are small,very hard shells/ great color taste. I'm so happy for my girls. The morning nothing noon nodda,1 p.m. BAMM EGGS THREE BIRDS THREE EGGS!! I wonder how long it will be before they get bigger??Good luck everyone it won't be long. What a great day!

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