Who else is waiting for that first egg?

One of my Brahmas laid her first egg about 2 weeks ago at 4.5 months. Had a golden laced sebright bantam lay her first one today! Pretty stoked since a lot of people say they won't lay the first year. This one laid just shy of 5 months!

How old is the sebright? Mine is about 21 weeks and still isn't laying.

Edited: sorry, re read your post. 5 months... Wow!
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yup...yup.. I had the cost of the coop..a whole roll of chicken wire..and chicks...feed and 2 useless (at this point) roosters in the deal price too.. 5 Barred Rocks...5 Cinnamon Queens...3 Black Australorps... (all early April chicks)...one strutting dandy 9 month old Gold Laced Wyandotte roo..and one 16 week old Black/Blue Marans roo (he's just "thinking" about his future job and fumbling around and the older roo is letting him have 2 of the Black Australorps for his flock..well.."mostly" letting him experiment). I build about all of my chicken equipment, feeders, waterer's, coop, so the price doesn't have labor costs... just the materials.
I made an "egg-picker-upper" out of a kitchen whisk and an old broom handle that works like a champ!...cuz she just had to lay that egg wayyyy back under the roost in a corner and had scratched all the shavings out and laid it on hard bare painted wood.. The little silly could have used a nice big nest box...but nooo.
And.,,,, I'm still
Several of our pullets started laying almost 2 weeks ago at 20 weeks old (they are now 22 weeks old). I expected this Golden Comet (pictured) to be the first to start laying since her combs and wattles got real big and red first (at around 18-19 weeks), but she hasn't started yet (as far as I know) and shows no interest in laying (not squatting, etc.). Tonight, while I had them out to range, she started acting really unusual - real quiet (she's normally one of our more vocal ones), just standing or sitting without moving much for long periods of time (like 10-15 minutes) and like she just wanted to be left alone by herself (but non-aggressive, which is also unusual since she's always been one of the more aggressive ones in the flock). She also looks a bit fat/bloated (in my opinion) and was kinda' acting like she felt that way (yes, most of us girls can relate). But maybe it was just the way she was standing. She was even falling asleep while standing up! The behavior came on all of a sudden and then about two+ hours later, she seemed to "snap out of it" a little bit. I'm hoping that maybe she is just finally getting ready to lay and told my family that if we hear a ruckus/egg song first thing in the morning, I wouldn't be surprised if it is her. But just wondering: anybody else have an experience like this? Should we be considering other issues? Any thoughts?

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How old is the sebright? Mine is about 21 weeks and still isn't laying.

I've read some don't lay till the following spring. I was kinda surprised to see her lay so early. Surprisingly the white egg was fairly good size for such a small bird.

Edited: sorry, re read your post. 5 months... Wow!
I'm dying waiting.... 1 EE who should be ANY day now, but yet has shown me no pre-egg laying signs (no squatting or egg song), 1 barred rock who should be within the next couple weeks, and two gold laced wyandottes that are still a couple weeks out.

Will getting eggs always be this exciting??
I"m still waiting for eggs too. We have 4 barred rocks, who now are 24 weeks (?) old. They are doing a lot of noise lately but still no eggs. I'm hoping soon.

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