Who else is waiting for that first egg?

No. They don't go outside the run

well, they are just really taking their time...
Hi all. New to raising and can't wait for those first eggs. I have 4 babies and they should be @ 20 weeks this week. So if I am reading right, should be any time right? Oh sure hope they lay soon! Really enjoy the info from everyone. Have been very helpful to read :)
I'm thinking way ahead, what breed should I be looking at for the next time around?? Does anybody have any ideas? We live in south central Montana, so I need a breed that is winter hardy....
I have a question, when you get breeds for meat, at what age do you cull them? My Australorps don't really feel like they have much meat on them, right now at 20 weeks....
Don't wait past 6 months, the meat will get tougher with age. If your Australorps are hatchery sourced, they will be much smaller than Australorps that breed standard. And don't expect a dual purpose breed to look like a bird from the grocery store, once processed.
Boy oh boy, I feel your pain! lol What breed do you have? I have Australorps and I now learned that they are late layers...I'm starting to think about what breed I would want after these.... I really love these girls though... Rae

My Australorp was the first to lay at around 20 weeks. She lays everyday.
I just received my first egg! In the nesting box too! It is sitting next to a large white store bought egg for comparison. I can't tell if it is a light brown egg from my BO, or pink from my EE. 20 1/2weeks of age.


With and without camera flash
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Looks like a light brown to me. That's awesome, congrats! I'm still waiting on most of mine to start laying, one decided to lay 3 then stop, it's been 4 days now. Little bugger lol. I'm expecting various browns and either blue or blue green, hoping they don't come out olive or brown (I'm hoping blue gene comes through on my EE).
I just received my first egg! In the nesting box too! It is sitting next to a large white store bought egg for comparison. I can't tell if it is a light brown egg from my BO, or pink from my EE. 20 1/2weeks of age.


With and without camera flash[/quot

Awesome. Congrats. Cheers to many more eggs in your future!!
My Buff Orpingtons are now 16 weeks old and I am anxiously waiting. I still have a little while longer to go but their combs are starting to turn more red
. I also have 3 Jubilee Orpingtons that are a bit younger so I will be waiting on them too.

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