Who else will be 45 this year?

I will be 42 this year in October. That's pretty close to 45! Never thought I would ever reach this age
...just seemed SOO far away when I was 19.
Oops! I meant to put it in the family section, if a mod sees this, please move???
LOL, I MUST be getting senile!!!
....uh turning the big 4-0 next month! Glad to hear some of you saying its the best decade cause its really been a black cloud over my head this year. I just have to be ready to embrace it! Whew, where does time go?
Strangely enough, 40 did not bother me one bit. I was actually kinda proud of that number. The 30's hacked me off though. My husband likes to rub my nose in this 45 business, but that's only because he's 53 LOL The only downside to turning 45 is watching my parents age....oh geez and my babies age! My oldest is 23 and that just flips me out!
I really dont mind 45. I think I will enjoy my 40s and 50s much more than I did my 20s and 30s.
The first five have actually been my best years, emotionally anyway. Everyone has their ups and downs and I have had my share, but I am comfortable with being and "older" woman,lol.
Good for you. Enjoy!

Although I have a hard time seeing a 45 year old as an "older woman".

I guess my perspective (on the other side of 50) is a little different. Now my Mom is an older (she would probably prefer "mature") woman. And proud of it!
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