Who gives what?

Chooks man is most definitely going to have more on this that I can give, but I'll say what I can.

From what I've noticed, it's a lot easier to see the problems on a rooster. His comb is bigger, his tail is bigger, and he has way more color. Yet, he doesn't lay eggs, so you can't be 100% on this genes like you can a hen.
Another thing I'd like to add, it is not impossible to breed breast coloring out of males without sacrificing hen's hackle color, it just takes time. Breed cockbirds with red earlobes, and a black breast.
Also, if you breed birds older than two years, you are going to be able to judge their genetics more accurately, though you may lose some fertility that way.
Chooks man is most definitely going to have more on this that I can give, but I'll say what I can.

From what I've noticed, it's a lot easier to see the problems on a rooster. His comb is bigger, his tail is bigger, and he has way more color. Yet, he doesn't lay eggs, so you can't be 100% on this genes like you can a hen.

Thanks. If we breed a straw/tawny colored roo to an overly dark hen, would that balance out colors in the chick?
Just like if we crossed a hen with side sprigs to a roo with a good comb would that balance out the chick comb?
I know nothing is ever going to make a bird 100% perfect.
Hello all!
We are going to start breeding in/out colors/combs/other things in our French Black Copper Marans. My questions are,
Does hen color influence chicks more than rooster color?
Does hen comb type influence chicks over rooster?

Ah 2 good questions. completely different .

first question = Does hen color influence chicks more than rooster color ?
when we talk about chooks body color ( plumage color) we has to understand there is 2 type of body color.
!) Sex linked type = this type of body color is regulated by sex linked genes .mean the rooster has 2 copies ( all his progeny will carry one copy of those genes ) .the hen only have one copy expressed the other copy has influence but not expressed . she only can passes those sex linked genes to her son s progeny ( cockerels) only .her pullets daughters will have some of the hidden genes but not expressed .hard to see but they are there .
those sex linked genes are .
1) Silver S and Gold s+= if we mate a Silver rooster to a Golden hen all the cockerels progeny will be Silver/Gold ( Yellow ) S/s+. and all the pullets progeny will be Silver S/- look silver because of the dominance but they still carries the gold on the W sex chromosome .
Example .Black Copper rooster over a Birchen hen = all the cockerels will be golden yellow impure Birchen and all the pullets will be Birchen with impure silver . they silver color will be more whiter than the cockerels silver ( yellow)

Example2= Birchen rooster mated to a Black copper hen = all the cockerels will be impure Birchen ( Yellow marking) S/s+ . and all the pullets will be Black copper . they copper will be not rich red but a little straw in color .

chooks man
the second Sex linked color genes are = the Barring /cuckoo genes B .the rooster is double barred or double factor B/B means he has 2 copies and he does look lighter .
the hens has only one copy B/- .
Example = Cuckoo rooster double barred mated to a no barred hen = all the cockerels will be unbarred like they mama and all the pullets will be barred like they Father .
if the rooster is unbarred mated to a barred hen =than all the cockerels will be barred and all the pullets will be unbarred .

chooks man
the Second category of colors genes are the Autossome ( Autossomal) genes .those genes are carried by both sexes roo/hen. both of them will be able to pass down those genes to all they progeny Cockerels/pullets.
those body colors are expressed on the Cockerel shoulders . Ears tufts . chest marking . those genes are very complex even they are Autossome genes ,mean they should be present in both Roo/Hen but that is not the case here .
those genes are more influenced by the E locus genes .the family genes .
Example = Black copper marans = the rooster has the red shoulder but not the hen she carries it but she can not express it .
Wheaten marans = the hens is all loaded with the autossomal red all her body but the rooster is black only express the red on his ears tufts only .
Salmon marans = the hens has a salmon chest but not a rooster .

genetic color is very complex .

and there is more genes .

we know the color pattern is manly from the Sire . we have to select the best colored cockerel to go forward in our breeding program .

chooks man

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