who has a myspace?

I thought about it. BUT I HAD QUESTIONS?
Can ya store pictures on it?
When ya sign up is it hard to make a nice page??
Can you register your page in a catagory - Chickens - Travel - Artest????

Besides my original website
- http://www.flufnstuf.com

I love picturetrail it started as a picture hosting site like photobucket but I can custome make my album page and now they have have added a home page that I customized. It costs me $20 a year to store 500
pictures. "I LOVE IT"
They have a free version with homepage but you can only store 30 somthing pictures.

View Photo ablum page

Viewhomepage with friends list

TELL ME WHAT YA THINK - Should I go for a mypage to?????????????????
I don't think I've ever seen a "nice" looking myspace page. The overall layout is just not that eye pleasing to me. It's kind of like a social network, were it seems like the point is to add friends, and try to get a lot of them. I'm not sure what it gets you, if anything. I mean, a lot of people add friends that they don't even know. *shrugs*

I don't have a myspace page.
It has a lot of groups or forums where you can argue and talk...that's why I have a MySpace....

If you can stand some of my anti-certain AR groups...this is my page... http://www.myspace.com/superchickensrus
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I have a myspace page, and I don't just add people randomly - and I dont 'use it to date!! or to pick up hot men (although THERE's a good idea!
) I don't blog either.

I use it mostly to share pictures with my friends, people I know in PERSON. I have friends all over the world, most are NOT on myspace, but they can still view my pics, it saves me emailing them - or virus crap getting in.

Myspace is what you make it..... don't bash it till you've tried it - if you don't have a need, then don't, nobody is forcing you.
As my mom always said "if you dont' have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!"


I generally Don't accept people I don't know - or those who look like they're SPAMING some stupid get rich quick scheme!
I am on myspace and so is my entire family. Well not my mom but I found a few cousins and my kids found their baby sister on it. There is good and bad in all things.

psst....cheesy is how you spell it.

edited to add: Hey Chelly! We got the same name!!!
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