who has a myspace?

Oh, the girls were there, you just gotta look at something other than your feet! hahaha. Or maybe... us female engineers don't look female enough??? :p.

Trust me, I was very aware of my surroundings

The girls sat on one half of the yard, and the guys were on the other half. I'm not sure if the girls were engineers. The guys just wanted some form of girls there, whether they were engineers or not
I don't think most of them were...

I won't touch the "female engineers not looking female enough" comment.

For the record, you look very female to me
I started one a year or so ago to keep in touch with some out of state friends, but never really got use to checking it and so forth. You guys can add me as a friend, I am not sure how it works. I will go check it out and I will try to keep up with it better in the future.

Here is the link to my page, keep in mind it is way out of date.


Talk to you later.

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Can"t I just be lazy and get you all to request? Little ol' me is going to bed y'all...(fans herself in a Blanche kinda way with fake southern accent.)

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