Who has Call ducks ?

Well I assure you, you won't have to worry about that from me, I have heard that shipped eggs are hard to hatch and if I did get them, I would try to hatch them under a broody duck hen or a bantam hen, mother nature is always better than a bator. But I am full aware of risks but if I could get some at a reasonable price I think I would be willing to try them. I also ship hatching eggs from my chickens, I pack and ship the way I would want eggs packed and shipped to me, as long as I get treated the same, there would be no complaints from me if they don't hatch.
These are my calls playing in the bath tub. I got them in November and QT'd them in my basement. Its so cold now I dont want to put them outside. They get a tub once a week. The highlight of their week I'm sure.


So sweet looking. Don't you just love the small size? Spring and summer will be so much fun. I like getting the pools out and they swim every day!
I've got two pairs of white call ducks. I've also got 2 pairs of split-to-white mandarins. And one white mandarin hen that needs a mate. Anyone got a spare white mandarin drake they'd like to get rid of?
We have about 20 call duck that free range with out Muscovy ducks and they've never flown away. They do fly around if someone is getting to the feed first!!! This morning we were a bit late feeding and I had 6 of them airborne and heading right for my face! I just stopped and they glided down in front of me. Some of ours are still laying. For the life of me I cannot figure out why. We have a Muscovy and a couple of calls laying. Guess they didn't get the memo!
Not to discourage you or anything, but shipping wild duck eggs and expecting them to hatch is a long shot. Just remember that if the buyer cant get them to hatch, sometimes they wont be happy and leave bad feedback about your farm. Not saying this always happens, but just something to think about.

I just did an experiment with Call duck eggs. I went to NY on vacation. I picked up a dozen Call duck eggs while there. I wrapped each egg in a half a sheet of paper towel then placed it in a cardboard egg carton. (cardboard breathes) Then I had the woman mail me a dozen eggs. I wrapped them the same way I had the other eggs wrapped. Then she put them in a heavy carton made sure that the egg carton wouldn't move around inside the box with filler paper and she mailed it to me.

The dozen that I brought with me from NY to TN in the bottom of a cooler? All 12 eggs are fertile and developing nicely!

The dozen that I got through the mail? 7 out of 12 started to develop, 1 has quit. Air cells were a mess in at least 4 of them.

It definitely shows the difference of what happens with mailed eggs vs picking up eggs.

Heres a few of my Whites that Im planning to start showing in spring of 2010!



Ill get more pics soon!

Heres another of the whites...

My Grays...


Blue Fawn...
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Briar patch, your ducks are beautiful! I bet they will do very nicely. I'm hoping my next pair will be whites. We will have to see whats available at the time, but I really really really like the whites!
Not to discourage you or anything, but shipping wild duck eggs and expecting them to hatch is a long shot. Just remember that if the buyer cant get them to hatch, sometimes they wont be happy and leave bad feedback about your farm. Not saying this always happens, but just something to think about.

I just did an experiment with Call duck eggs. I went to NY on vacation. I picked up a dozen Call duck eggs while there. I wrapped each egg in a half a sheet of paper towel then placed it in a cardboard egg carton. (cardboard breathes) Then I had the woman mail me a dozen eggs. I wrapped them the same way I had the other eggs wrapped. Then she put them in a heavy carton made sure that the egg carton wouldn't move around inside the box with filler paper and she mailed it to me.

The dozen that I brought with me from NY to TN in the bottom of a cooler? All 12 eggs are fertile and developing nicely!

The dozen that I got through the mail? 7 out of 12 started to develop, 1 has quit. Air cells were a mess in at least 4 of them.

It definitely shows the difference of what happens with mailed eggs vs picking up eggs.


Great thought for an experiment. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks so much Ive really worked hard to get where Im am today Ive only bought from the best and Im hoping to have plenty of good show birds to choose from in the spring!

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