Who here is into Photography?

That is definitely a drawback. I wouldn't take any of my photos off my phone and try to put them on canvas or blow them up. Still need my DSLR for stuff like that.
I've been playing with setting on my camera, and earlier this summer we went back to South Dakota to visit family. If you've ever been to Sioux Falls, you know there is a beautiful park there called Falls Park. The falls of the Big Sioux River flow right through the heart of town. I love it there - it's where Ken proposed to me almost 48 years ago.

I love how changing the aperature and ISO on the camera gave this soft effect to the water. I have so much to learn yet, and I am one of those people who can read a manual or read instructions and still have no bloomin' idea what I'm supposed to do. I just have to mess around with it and remember where the "delete" button is!
I've been gone for a while and on a whim decided to come back. Holy frijoles, this thread has gotten huge! I just love how there are so many talented people out there with shared interests. Chickens and photography... Who knew they would go so well together?

On that note, anyone want to talk about how freaking powerful camera phones are now?? I took this on my iPhone!
I mean, look at the color that thing managed to capture. I honestly only use my DSLR for birding now. It's just so much easier to whip out my camera and snap a quick shot...

I've been playing with setting on my camera, and earlier this summer we went back to South Dakota to visit family. If you've ever been to Sioux Falls, you know there is a beautiful park there called Falls Park. The falls of the Big Sioux River flow right through the heart of town. I love it there - it's where Ken proposed to me almost 48 years ago.

I love how changing the aperature and ISO on the camera gave this soft effect to the water. I have so much to learn yet, and I am one of those people who can read a manual or read instructions and still have no bloomin' idea what I'm supposed to do. I just have to mess around with it and remember where the "delete" button is!

Both of these photos are beautiful!!!
Does anyone know of any good photography classes online? I'd love to learn more.

I had hoped to take some in college but they required an art pre-req and there was no way to fit that into my engineering schedule.

leaves from a rose bush

these were photos from last winter

a few randoms. if i dont quit uploadin this will be a huge post. i have some newer ones of the chickens, but i am having issues with my card reader so i only have the prints for them as of now.
all those into photography should check out this link too.  https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=253241

love taking pictures and I feel like I'm getting better at it.  I'd love to take a class!  Last year I bought a digital dive camera and got some great pictures.  Its a Sealife reef master mini


Just last month we bought a digital SLR - Pentax K2000.  I'm still learning all of its features, but I've been really pleased with the quality of the pictures so far


OMG the chicken looks just like my Easter egger I mean exactly

Digital is great!  I love being able to take lots and lots of pictures and seeing exactly what they look like.  I used to hate waiting to get film developed!
I like doing photography with animals mainly.
8 Peafowl eggs I have in my incubator.
My Indian Blue peacock Colbolt.
My Indian Blue peacock Genie.
Colbolt and my Indian Blue peahen Sage behind his train.
My colt Gun Smoke
Full moon with the horses.
Full Moon over the creek
Goslings across the canal.
Peafowl nest
My Red Border Collie puppy Moca. She's so cute.
My Indian Blue peahen Sage
My 25 Black Australorp pullets
Gun Smoke
Me and my White peacock Ice.
Where did u get your astralorps

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