Who is hatching on Easter Weekend?

Well, I have been hatching out chicks since the middle of January, my next hatchlings are due on the 27th, 31st and then on the 13th of April. I was going to let my banties set, but all the hens pushed them out to lay more eggs. I had to layers when I finally realized what was going on. I was allowing them to set on 13, but when I collected them today, I had 34 - I left them each a bantie egg.
THAT IS A LOT OF EGGS!! good luck!
I set 13 BO eggs this morning. Will set 11 mixed Turkeys tomorrow afternoon. and will set some BBS Orp eggs next week to hatch with the turkeys. If all of them hatch, I'll be chasing chickens and turkeys everywhere! LOL!!
i set mine also with out thinking. i also breed my rabbit, should be about the same days!!!! all these cuties and i will have the week off of work... what is one to do???

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