Who is hatching on Easter Weekend?

I am too!!

I have 17 mutts in the bator!!!

eleven. twelve were fertile and alive I accidently opened one I thought was dead. I taped up the hole and
put it back in the bator yesterday. It still looks alive.
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I will be having Easter babies as well (as long as everything goes well
). I have 8 eggs from my Silkies and a 'Designer' egg from another member that should be Easter babies
I just realized mine are going to miss Easter by 4 days. I think its better off this way so I can enjoy Easter, and have something to look forward to after it! Im glad its after because I wont be home much around Easter and Id croak if I missed my first hatch!
Glad to hear you are back on track for a very productive hatch.

As for my "mishap" I ended up with 17 extra eggs. So I have 29 in the bator now.
the first batch should hatch around the 12th or so... The other 17 were just set Sunday night so they have longer to go. I think the only reasonable thing to do is build a hatcher!
I was looking around the house and I have most of the parts. Im gonna need a thermostat and a fan. I wonder if computers fill out organ donor cards? I bet one of the geeks at work would know.

I think I can duplicate what I built the first time only skip the turner and use the larger water dish for higher humidity. The hardest part will be explaining this unplanned addition to my recently-converted-city-boy-husband.

Just quote Spock from Star Trek....."it is only logical, Captain". Then start building.
I want to join this group! I am hatching friday...that counts as easter weekend, doesn't it?? LOL

In this hatch, I have Missprissy B/B/S Orps and from my own flocks... blrw, buff orps, EEs.
It sounds like you have a great bunch of eggs there. I would love to be incubating Miss Prissy eggs. The ones I am incubating are for my Mom to have a flock. I finally persuaded her to take the plunge. The kids an I spent Spring Break building a coop with my Dad. I told mom that with shipped eggs the best I could hope for was a 50% hatch so somehow ordering 3+ dozen eggs didn't sound so threatening. If I end up with 30 or so chicks it is going to be interesting. I am billing the extra roos as "freezer fillers". She is already calling them "those stupid chickens". Hmmm Dad is as pleased as he can be. He has wanted chickens for years. I wonder how she would feel about a few guineas....

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