Who is hatching on Easter Weekend?

No, not really. Temps have been right on, using a genesis. Humidity was, I thought, good, but the some were hatching sticky has me wondering. Out of the ones I took into day 18, less than half hatched. None of my ducks hatched.

You can see the whole post about it down a couple threads from here, along with pics of those who did hatch.
Mine are due to hatch just before Good Friday. So far 14 of 14 are good! (White Crested Black Polish Rooster was the daddy) Last hatch was only 4 of 10 fertile eggs. I've got 3 thermometers going on this batch!
Mommas are: 2 White Crested Black polish, 1 Buff Orphington, 1 Barred Rock. My New Hampshire hen wouldn't let that boy near her so I kept her eggs for cooking!
This will be my last incubator batch for a while since I sold the rooster!

These are what my last hatch (first attempt ever at incubating) looked like:

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I hatched three, then next hatch all didn't make it, then the broken turkey egg with wax went septic and died. Next is the emergency pull of eggs from the first time broody turkey (aka idiot).

We both could use some good news. Here's to luck.
teddiliza: TOO CUTE!!!! Love their little punk-rock do's

yotetrapper & walkswithdog I'm starting to ge nervous about my humidity now that I am almost to the final week. So far I think the air sacs are progressing at the right pace, so I'm hopeful but I still worry.

Here's hopin for a good outcome to all,
I tried candling one of the light colored eggs today. I think either my flashlight was to week or my eyes are going out. I couldn't see anything. So I'll just have to keep waiting. The little momma is soo good. I gave her some nice juicy worms today.
Well, we are 2/3 of the way through. Temps seem to be holding pretty steady and candling shows wigglers. I am getting anxious to see some fuzzy babies.

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