Who is hatching on Easter Weekend?

Okay, I went ahead to start the 3 day wait 12 hours early. I'd originally set them on a thursday at 9 a.m. The children are sleeping, so it was the best time to handle eggs.

I went ahead and put them in the cartons like I did last time. That did make it easier to clean up. I think I have 1 quitter I'm pretty darn sure, but my eyes might have been fooling me that there was movement, so I hated to throw it away or open it. It didn't smell bad, so I figure it will be okay just for a few days, right?

I'm having a heck of a time getting the humidity above 60%. The temperature here keeps going to 50's and 60's outside during the day and 30's at night. The temp has fluctuated a little, but still between 99 and 101 now that I know not to keep tweaking the dial, but to leave it alone! I did have to tweak it now that both vent plugs are out.

I'm using a Little Giant Still air with egg turner.

Good luck to everyone this week! I can't wait to take pics!
I'm sure my little babies will try to hatch while I'm at work this week...
You are probably right to leave it in there. I just candled a couple I had questions on and decided 3 were quitters. The one that seemed most obvious had no veining and no movement and seemed like too much light was shining through if you know what I mean. I decided to take the 3 rejects to the sink and have a look at them. That lighter egg was the first one I cracked open. It had a well formed chick with what looked like brains on the outside. This is an egg that I had questions on earlier. Of course the kids had to come have a look. I decided that the other 2 didn't smell so I put them back just in case I was wrong. My thermometer bumped one of the eggs off the turner when I moved it and ended up cracking the small end. I quick like sealed it with wax and candled...saw movement...then put it back. Now I am going to go crawl in bed and hope for the best. I will take mine out of the turner on Wednesday.
I have a broody hen sitting on eggs that should hatch on Saturday!!!! I am thrilled!
As of last nights candling, I have 10 of the original 12 with movement. I take mine out of the turner on Thurs. AM (I think) I set them on Sunday but it was afternoon so I think Monday was day 1, I'm starting to get REALLY excited.

I have at least one BR turkey that should hatch by then. Unfortunately my retarded broody really failed turkey 101 and I had to steal her eggs, gave her chicken eggs, and then candled the lot to find them seriously staggered and poorly turned. You can totally tell, they end up kinda stuck to one side.

I have the one within five days, the next lot probably a week after and the last few toward the end of the month. This will be an adventure. At least dry hatching I stand a pretty good chance of getting it done. But I'll have to decide when to stop turning on an individual basis and that sort of sucks. Adventure hatching.

Oh well, another way to learn.

Here's hoping for everyone's hatches.
Day 19 and no pips or cheeps, and I posted elsewhere that there's a tiny bug crawling around in my incubator. It's driving me crazy, I want to lift the lid and smash it, but I've finally got my humidity to 65%. Grrr...
Come chickies! Wake up and eat that bug!
Hazel one of our buff orpington hens has 4 eggs that are due to hatch on Easter. 2 buff orpington eggs and 2 EE/buff orpington eggs.
Tedzilla, it is those last few days that kill you!! The wait seems like eternity....like the last weeks of pregnancy.

Tomorrow evening I take the eggies out of the turner and begin my vigil. The one I cracked and sealed a couple of days ago still seems to be growing and moving....and more importantly, is not smelly. I have been keeping records of my temps every time I turn and they seem like they could have been a smidgen on the high side at times so I am wondering if I will have any early arrivals. My last hatch started at day 20 and ended on day 21. I just wish I knew when EXACTLY it will be. They I could order pizza and sit back for the show.
Day 19 started today for me, just checked and I have 1 silkie egg pipped already. Yeah, now the stay away from the bator stage starts! I get so worried if I keep peaking. started with about 90 egg about 65 due to hatch friday now down to about 39. I had bad luck with the BR eggs only half seem to develop out of the 30 I got. Mail man must have not liked that box.

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