Who is hatching on Easter Weekend?

we have just hatched out 3 black orps, 3 buff orps and a buff laced wyandotte today. 2 more black orps,3 buff orps and 5 buff laced wyandottes are due through the night and tommorow and we have 6 lemon millefleur sablepoots due on good friday. Ive also just aquired 3 2 week old pure chocolate orpington bantams today so easter is going to be fun in our household with all these chicks running around.
You need a video of that muttering.

I understand exactly what she's muttering about. I did the same thing right before my twins were born
...For example: these babies better come soon, hey, stop kicking me, now whose has the hicups, just 5 mins of sleep PLEASE!!...mumble mumble.....
have 2/4 pekin eggs pipped so far as of yesterday at 6:00 pm. just waiting, wishing, hoping, watching ALOT!!!!!! they sure are rocking too and i hear a cherp inside from the vent holes!!! i hope that is a good sign seeing that this is my very first hatch!!!!!!
Well, I was expecting my broody to hatch on easter sunday. But found her cage door leaning shut and the little hen was outside not able to get back onto her nest this morning. Stepson did not lock the door last night!
So depending on how long she was out of the nest box....we may or may not have chicks this easter sunday.

Oh, I worked so hard with these eggs, scheduling the roosters time out with the hens and then pampering my little broody. Please, I want these little chicks sooo bad.

Teenage stepson said: "sorry" like that would fix anything. : he
The one who always claims: "I know", claims no responsibility, because: "I didn't know, how was I supposed to know, no one told me, I don't know why you are mad at me, I didn't do anything...."
ugh, teenagers!!!
Just 10 for Good Friday
, 3 chocolate eggers, 2 olive eggers, 1 partridge silkie, 1 buff silkie, 1 blue cochin, and 1 cuckoo maran. Just put them in the hatching tray yesterday. I hope that they all make it, they are storeboughts (shipped eggs). Happy easter
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