Who is hatching on Easter Weekend?

Today I hatched 32 baby chicks from 41 eggs
their daddy are barred rocks and buff orps, their mommy are buff orp, new hampshire, cochin, black australorp, amercauna, barred rock, cornish and game hens

I don;t know what are they going to look like later but noe they are healthy and cute
Still waiting. I can hear both of them peeping, one of them quite loudly. I keep checking. I can't wait to see what they look like.
I can't wait...Arghh .... it's like being a kid on your birthday and you can't wait to find out what's in the box.
Well, my hatch is over. I had 32 of 36 hatch (some had to be helped in the end) and 2 had to be culled. My little stargazer baby is doing better this morning and I am glad to have the guest bathroom back in operation. I told Mom to not expect more than a 50% hatch on shipped eggs, so we have about double what she was expecting.

FarmerDenise, I hope your two little ones make it just fine. I did like you. I couldn't wait for the hatch (we're talking all of 2 days) and went out and bought 4 little chicks at the feed store on Friday. One good thing, they taught the new ones where the food and water were.
The first turkey egg due to hatch was this weekend - he didn't make it, he was malformed and quite stuck to the shell interior. It's what I feared when I found that they were all too cool, staggered and apparently very poorly turned ( if at all) when I took them from the hen.

The rest should hatch, or like this one - try to, through the week. Here's hoping at least one hatches but I'm dubious having seen the state of the first...

The chicks day 18 is Thurs. with any luck the week will turn out better than it started.
I have eleven fertile eggs in the bator due today, but i dont think more than three are alive.

When I first started the incubating my thermometer read 103 then i bought a digital and it read 95. (this was day 13) so i changed it and have been going off of the digital for the past week and I think the babies started dying when i raised the temp.
Aww I'm sorry. I hate it when equipment messes things up. It's one of the reasons I keep three thermometers in there now. Paranoia.

But I KNOW what my temps are LOL.

Have you candled them at all?
We had 3 chicks hatch on Easter day, and 2 during the night, and now one this morning, with 3 more solid pips. I had three thermometers in my bator also, but took one out before the hatch. The one I trust is the one that ISN"T digital, one of those big round ones from Walmart. I've kept the temps right around 100 for the most part, and it seems to have worked. We have 24 eggs in the bator, and so far 6 are hatched with 3 more pipping. I can't see why the others wouldn't hatch also. Most of the eggs are banties, but I have 2 big brown eggs and 1 big green egg, and I really hope those three will hatch. Today is day 20, so the chicks started hatching early. I really hope the big eggs will hatch by day 21. This has been so much fun! Kristy

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