Who is pipping and waiting right now??

Day 20: I have some rockers but no pippers! I have a wireless camera in the bator so I can keep a constant eye on them!


I am getting a little anxious not having even ONE pip out of 16 eggs I know were all good 4 days ago!

*pacing back and forth*
Here's a video of the first chick hatching. Background story is that I took two eggs from my own flock and placed them beneath my silver-laced Wyandotte bantam hen June Bug. The father is my tiny OEG bantam cockerel Chicken Little and the mother is a pullet named Amber who is a cross between Welsummer and Silver Phoenix. This is the Welsummer baby. I have another video of the sister/cousin of this one, the other egg under June Bug, which is also fathered by Chicken Little, but the mother is the sister of Amber, the Welsummer, and she's a Silver Phoenix/Rhode Island Red cross. The Welsummer cross egg was light brown; the RIR cross egg was more off-white.


Ohhhhh! that video was so cute!!!!! thanks for posting it. I am waiting on my Delawares; only day 3 so I am devouring everyone else's hatch stories!!! Yay! what a good little momma June Bug is!


Luckily all of my broody hens have been truly devoted. June Bug was broody for a few weeks before I gave her a couple of eggs to sit on. She just wouldn't give up! She's a good girl doing her good mama duty.
Day 23 with 20 Bobwhite eggs 1 pip! First time hatcher- more like Overprotective mother! Definitely will NOT get any sleep tonight.

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