Who is your candidate?

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bring back the Gipper!

He really knew how to get things moving in the right direction...

The Gipper knew how to get rid of the U.S.S.R. -and replaced them with freedom fighters!

They should just go ahead and replace Congress with Halliburton.

There wouldn't be any more occupy movements or border issues with those guys calling the shots!

But seriously, the only guy running for the G.O.P. ticket with a shred of decency in his pocket is the good doctor Ron Paul.

I wish to see the day Ron Paul and Barack Obama meet face to face and have a real debate in the tradition of the finest men of our great nation.

You may not like or agree with one or both of them on many topics but there is no arguing that they are both great intellects that love this country and are lightening rods for prejudice and insane commentary from both the right and left.

Everybody on this forum knows it takes two wings to fly. By the strength of the heart, pinions, muscle and sinew- the fortitude of our national bird, the white headed sea eagle - we need to raise to great heights and to do whatever it takes to gain equilibrium and perspective.

You've got these special interest warf rats riding on this eagle -making it steal fish from the osprey and road kill from the coyote- and these warf rats have got this eagle flying with just one wing bitching about the other one so the darn thing is just flying in circles- it's actually spiraling out of control half the time. To think that these warf rats really contemplate amputating one wing to see their corrupt self-interest float lighter- get rid of all that dead weight- ha! What a pathetic narrative of how insane this country's big corporate interests- those warf rats have become. Big pharmacy and big military and big oil are all getting subsidies but the fat cat is blaming poor white trash in the trailer park and poor black trash in the projects and poor brown trash in the barrios. They've got the gal to intentionally misinform the willfully ignorant into supporting whatever it is that is against their better interests. It wasn't the guys voting for the wars that sent their kids to fight in them.

Ron Paul said hell no we're not going to war in Iraq- it's unconstitutional -something's fishy going on here! And Jim Jeffords agreed with him that something was very wrong with this whole 911 business and he should know he was on the house intelligence committee. Bush and Cheney refused take the oath or be interviewed separately at the 911 inquiry. Ron Paul called them out for it and Jeffords stepped down from his beloved Republican party in protest.
Next thing you know Fox News is calling them both unpatriotic and crazy. Blank Check to big military all in the name of big oil and of course big military industry because every war is good for them- they're selling arms and ammunitions to every side of every battle. That's how their economy works. War is good. Peace is bad. So here we are shelling out tens of millions of dollars a day to Halliburton and so on- a few years go by with another Cheney/Darth Vader

The janitor in chief is elected by a landslide and the misinformation society that called Ron Paul a wing nut and a traitor is now suddenly decided that these blood for big oil wars that Ron Paul was talking about - they're all bad- and now they're the janitor in chief's fault. When that "community organizer" voted against writing a blank check to military industrialists- just like Ron Paul did when he was senator. The misinformation society is so transparently and intentionally deceptive - so eager to bend and rewrite history to justify their cause- they'll march your kids into a war that we have no business being in and then blame it on the guy that came to do the patriotic thing and shoulder the burden to keep the country from falling any further. Wars are expensive especially when you've got Halliburton to support. That's one high maintenance paid escort of a trophy wife...
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I agree and admired The Gipper!

Most of all, I really like the rapport between Reagan and Gorbachev........both of them have very interesting autobiographies.

Wondered what has been happening with Gorbachev. he was a much better leader than Yelstin and Pulstin.

I so agree!!! I have to laugh, we sound like our parents. Wrinkles are hereditary. Our children give them to us.
I agree and admired The Gipper!

Most of all, I really like the rapport between Reagan and Gorbachev........both of them have very interesting autobiographies.

Wondered what has been happening with Gorbachev. he was a much better leader than Yelstin and Pulstin.
Poking this one back with a ten foot pole.
I remember enjoying Reagan's speeches...he spoke well. And very clearly, not the hems and haws of Bush and possibly Obama.
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