Who keeps a chair in or near the coop?


8 Years
Mar 28, 2011
Anyone else have a chair planted in the coop or in the run to watch their chickens?

I do, and it's right inside the coop! I usually have to bring in a towel to sit on because I catch the girls taking their turn and sitting in MY spot.
. My neighbor across the street has 2 chairs just outside her coop. I walk over and visit her chicks also. To see how they are growing up. I should put a chair out for her too, outside my run. She comes over to visit mine as well.

I love spending time with my girls. Since there's not much I physically can do, I have a lot of free time to spare. I'm so happy dh made the coop and run big enough to walk in, makes life a little easier.

Chickens are very entertaining. Whenever I or any other humans come near my girls, they all come running as fast as they can to see if we have a yummy treat.
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Mine are in a pasture fenced in - i have one in the pasture - and one on two sides of it near the barn! I also keep my bantams in their own coop and run and there is a chair there too!
I have 2 chairs outside my run so that I can go down and enjoy them.I find them very entertaining and enjoyable.I don't keep the chairs in the run four 2 reasons.I don't like sitting in a mess and if they get on the chairs they can go over my fence.I did however put a deck at the poop door about 6ft long and 2ft wide and I sit on that and watch.I love my chickens.They use the deck for shade and to get in and out of the coop:cool:
I have a couple lounge chairs & a cooler next to the Chicken Run and Garden. I often sit in the evenings to watch and reflect, then think about what I'm gonna do next, garden project or other. I compare watching the chickens with looking at an aquarium.
We have a circle of four chairs that expanded from my original one chair. It went from my solitude to others also, it is relaxing to sit out and watch them. The special ones come and sit in my lap and eat from hands. They also tell me when I don't have anything in my hands.

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