Who knew humans were the worst predators?

I had to put a padlock on my chickens fully enclosed run just to keep the neighbor kids out. My chickens aren't laying yet, but I didn't want to take any chances. It makes me mad when I hear about stuff like this happening.
And my DH thinks that no one would come and steal my chickens (with eyes rolling). But I told him that we are going to put a security camera facing the coop, after all we have 8 cameras, surely one can be spared for my girls.
We live in town and the neighborhood is slowly going down hill and with the economy the way it is, my girls look mighty tempting.
I live more than five miles from town and now am going to padlock the chicken house. They need to catch who did this and tie them up throw them into a chicken coop!
I have no patience with thieves! Here in Texas, chicken thieves whether four legged or two legged are likely to get shot!!!

When I was a kid and we lived in town for a bit (in Delaware) .. my mother had her chickens and I had rabbits.. every year for several years the night before Memorial day and Labor Day we would end up with 2 rabbits missing and a handful of chickens... it was like clockwork.. and ended when a certain neighbor moved away... we had our suspicions all along.. but the wonderful (insert sarcasm) town police force never could be bothered to do anything about it...
That is terrible. I hate thieves. If you need something ask me and if it is possible I will help anyone. But don't steal. That is really messed up. Those poor people.
I think I've mentioned it before but several years ago my parents had to go out of town for a while and left my younger brother in charge. When he was out someone came onto my parent's farm and dragged their pond. They took almost every trout in the pond.
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