Who wants to participate in a fun experiment?


10 Years
Feb 9, 2009
Linköping, Sweden
OK, so I'm interested in finding out how much validity there is to the gender/egg shape connection. So, I thought any of you hatchers out there could help!
If you have some eggs in the 'bater, or are about to put some in, you can participate. <b>Just separate them into 2 sets - eggs with "pointy" ends, and those with "rounded" ends. If you can't make a determination, group indeterminate eggs with "pointy" by default.</b> Make sure to keep the test groups securely separate until they hatch and you are able to identify the gender. The hypothesis we're testing here is whether the pointy eggs hatch roosters and the round ones hatch hens. The more people who participate, the more results we will have, and we can calculate a margin of accuracy (or inaccuracy)!
Sign up to follow this post, let me know if you're participating, and let's see if our crazy, chicken-obsessed community can answer this age-old question!
(It's too cold out here to get my eggs into the bater before they freeze, so I'm hoping others will get a head start on the experiment!)
The experiment is very flawed, IMO. I have an incubator full of rounded eggs, very rounded eggs, all 22 of them. If it were true, then ALL should be pullets. You know good and well that wont happen. I have a hen who lays very rounded eggs, every one of them. And she throws mostly cockerels. The hen determines the sex of the chick, not the egg shape.

BTW, I'm on Day 18, going into Day 19 tonight. Ill let you know. I promise you there will be cockerels from the rounded eggs.
The hen determines the sex of the chick

So it's the hen, not the rooster that determines the sex?

I'm on Day 18, going into Day 19 tonight.

Me, too!​
In birds, the female determines the sex, yes.

If you have a pointy egg, there is a 50/50 chance of whatever result you are looking for. Same with a round egg. So, you may get a cockerel from a pointed egg, but it's just a coin toss.

Think about it this way; hatcheries would only set the rounded eggs and not have to dispose of all those cockerel chicks in ways you dont want to think about. If they could go by this round/pointy rule, then it would be the ultimate cruelty to continue to set so many pointy ones.

That's not to say you cant do your experiment.
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Hey I sell pullet dust, just dust the eggs with it all pullets.

My eggs are round on one end, point on other, guess mine will hatch as heshe.
good! I need some of that magic dust I have all kinds of young phoenix roos and they are all so pretty. I'm have a hard time figuring out who is going down the road. My hens are going to have to stay in if I don't get some roos out of here.
I hatched just round eggs in december just to see. Out of 10 round eggs I hatched 9. End result 6 roosters 3 pullets.
kycklingar! :

OK, so I'm interested in finding out how much validity there is to the gender/egg shape connection. So, I thought any of you hatchers out there could help!
If you have some eggs in the 'bater, or are about to put some in, you can participate. <b>Just separate them into 2 sets - eggs with "pointy" ends, and those with "rounded" ends. If you can't make a determination, group indeterminate eggs with "pointy" by default.</b> Make sure to keep the test groups securely separate until they hatch and you are able to identify the gender. The hypothesis we're testing here is whether the pointy eggs hatch roosters and the round ones hatch hens. The more people who participate, the more results we will have, and we can calculate a margin of accuracy (or inaccuracy)!
Sign up to follow this post, let me know if you're participating, and let's see if our crazy, chicken-obsessed community can answer this age-old question!
(It's too cold out here to get my eggs into the bater before they freeze, so I'm hoping others will get a head start on the experiment!)

OK, I have eggs in the bator right now. I am expecting a hatch next weekend. Honestly, I think it is the shape of the hen's pelvis that determines the shape of eggs but without experiments we will never know. I am in and good news... my eggs are EE and you can sex them at about 2 weeks. I have 4 pointed and 8 rounds. So we will have results around St Patricks day.

Deerman, pullet dust, Hummm the invention of the decade and your keeping it all to yourself.​
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