Who wants to participate in a fun experiment?

Another myth/old wives tale is that eggs hatch at the end of the season and I think Dec is at the end are more likely to be roosters. I hatch a set in July, out of 7 hatched 6 roos - 1 pullet. Don't remember the shape of them.
Well, this is why it's an experiment! I'm pretty sure it will be de-bunked, but sometimes old wives' tales develop for a reason.

(To speckledhen: Yes, the hatchery argument was one of my very first evidences to debunk this hypothesis. But then I discovered a patent application online for an optical device that compares egg shape and sorts eggs accordingly. It is explained that the reason it is not in use yet is because the parameters are different for each hen. Some lay generally rounded eggs, and some generally pointy eggs, but within their clutch there is variety. So the parameters would have to be set to evaluate each hen's eggs differently.) This being considered, you are right that there is a flaw. The improved experiment would have people doing only eggs from one hen and sorting them in comparison to eachother. (btw, Thanks for joining the game!)

Anyway, I understand everyone's skepticism. However, as a biology teacher, I enjoy experiments and thought this would be a good way to come up with an answer once and for all, and participation wouldn't be too hard, for people who thought it would be fun to try.

I wouldn't have even done it except for one thing - Yes, the hen does donate the chromosome that determines gender. But they also form the egg! And the calcium shell isn't formed until after the zygote forms.

... so... maybe!! Thanks to all of you who are participating!
Most of my life i have been told that round eggs pullits point ends roos. I started hatching last year about 65 % roos i picked mostly round eggs. We have always had between 100 and 300 chickens at anyone time so hard to tell a lot about which chicken laied what egg i have 2 EE now one lays a pointy egg every day and one lays a round egg every day. So i now belive that its the chicken and gens that determine the egg shape i get mostly round eggs now that look like the ones i set last year as far as shape and size.
kycklingar! :

Oh, and to deerman: I'm referring to sorting them by the conical end. Some are more pointy than others. Does that make more sense?

Should we photograph our eggs for the sake of science. One may have different ideas about points and rounds.​
Should we photograph our eggs for the sake of science. One may have different ideas about points and rounds.

That's a super idea! Anyone who's willing and has the time can do that. I have a computer program that can even analyze the curve and give us numerical readouts on the curvature.
This is really tickling my scientist-bone!

Also, if anyone who's incubating a smaller set knows the hen their eggs came from, include that in your final response. You will have a much better sense for the scope of curves that that particular hen produces.​
kycklingar! :

Should we photograph our eggs for the sake of science. One may have different ideas about points and rounds.

That's a super idea! Anyone who's willing and has the time can do that. I have a computer program that can even analyze the curve and give us numerical readouts on the curvature.
This is really tickling my scientist-bone!

Also, if anyone who's incubating a smaller set knows the hen their eggs came from, include that in your final response. You will have a much better sense for the scope of curves that that particular hen produces.​

Again I have set EE's and they are all different colors. 1 lays green, 1 lays pinks and 1 lays brown. Browns are very round, pinks are points and greens are sorta round. I photograph and post for you.​
kycklingar! :

Oh, and to deerman: I'm referring to sorting them by the conical end. Some are more pointy than others. Does that make more sense?

First Welcome to the forum NEWEGGS!!!!

Just kidding around, but all these have been talk about before, even the thread and pencil trick, all fun untill you see the guy on ebay selling them for real.

What about holding the chicks by their legs upside down. If they fight they are roos, if the don't fight or fight for just a split second and then relax pullet? Does this work?

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