Who will lay first? Put in your bet! Update On Page 10!! First Egg...

I bet it was Pepper that laid the egg! I have 2 BR and 4 RSL and both BR laid first by over 2 weeks! Not exactly sure how old they were since we got them all at "3 months". My guess is give or take a few days/weeks in the month.

I still bet it was Pepper - was it fairly dark or light? My BR lays darker eggs that our RSL, don't know about the BSL.
My Amelia (a RIR) is the only one of ours that has NOT laid yet, so my money is going on Pepper.
My money's on the leghorn. My leghorn laid her first egg at 21 weeks & is now 23 weeks. I have 5 "big girls" (23+ weeks), and nobody else even has a red face or a decent comb or ANY wattles yet at all. I think I have another month or so to wait before I start seeing eggs from anybody else but the leghorn.

Good luck to you and your li'l flock! Hope that first egg comes soon!

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