Whos hatching on the 11th? 16th and 19th and 23rd????


11 Years
Jul 29, 2008
Eastern, Kentucky
I have eggs due on the 11th 16th and the 19th and 23rd!!!!

Who eles is hatching lets hatch together!!!

I take my silkie and cochin eggs out of the turner tomorrow and up the humidity for the eggs due on the 11th!

The eggs due to hatch on the 19th are under a broody!!
I have some mutt eggs due on the 21st, though I think only 2 or 3 of the 7 are viable (they were from a farm and the many roosters must not have done their job)!

I also have some Coturnix eggs hatching on the 23rd (just put them in this morning), so I'll be right there with ya'!
Im hatching on the 18th and hopefully on the 23rd....im so excited because this is by first hatches!!! on the 18th i have ducks due and on the 23 i have button uail due...so pumped
I've got 28 bobwhites that hopefully will be making an appearance on the 11th. My first quail babies ever so wish me luck! Also have 6 silkies due on the 16 so I'll hopefully be hatching with you. I'm getting excited!
I've got Cuckoo Marans, EE's, EE/Frizzles, unknown banties, and light brahma mixes due on the 13th, a broody on Cuckoo Marans due on the 13th, Silkies and Guineas due on the 20th, and more Guineas on July 3rd.

I have 3 muscovies due on the 12th. Then I have a huge wait until the 21 for my 15 Chantecler eggs. Then another one week wait for my beltsville small white turkey eggs that are due on the 28th.

Then my bator is empty
............. until the 30th when my buff silkie eggs arrive

I am a true addict.......Who hatches over winter?
I have a dozen eggs from my chickens that should be due between the 19th and 23rd (put them in the bator May 31). Most will be mutts, but there could be a pure Austrolorp or NHR in the bunch. I candled last night and 7 are definitely growing, 3 are questionable, 1 looks clear and 1 might already have a blood ring. I'll candle again in a few days and toss the ones I'm sure are no good.
We have 4 eggs due this week; maybe tomorrow or the next day. Today is around day 19-20 for them and 4 out of 10+ eggs are now dark and have moving chicks in them.
Our broody hen has been doing a wonderful job and I hope she's rewarded with her first-ever clutch of chicks!

The breeds that we are hatching are: Buff OrpingtonXCochin, and Red StarXRhode Island Red.
Wow everyone is hatching away!!!! This is gonna be a busy thread.

These are my last hatches so on the 23rd hatch date will be my last hatch for the year I won't start again till April. So its exciting but sad at the same time!

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