Who's on your BYC thank list?

You keep me company on BYH and at nighttime!

Me on no ones list, me saddith

lol, I haven't seen you on BYH in ages! Where've you been? Come join my campaign for BYH awards, in the feedback and announcements section. :lol:

Ah, :hugs I'm sure you'd be on marty's and those folks', my list just includes major persons, or I'd be here all day. :lol:
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lol, I haven't seen you on BYH in ages! Where've you been? Come join my campaign for BYH awards, in the feedback and announcements section.

I'm sure you'd be on marty's and those folks', my list just includes major persons, or I'd be here all day.

LOL! Sorreee, you were the one not on *Mmmmhmmmm*
Yeah....If only more people would post...
I've been on BYH all along. :p Almost every day, go check it out.
I'm actually quite surprised I lasted so long, seeing as I don't own any herd animals. lol
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1) I loooovvveee this Avatar package!!! 2) I didn't complete my list, cuz I'd completely murder my smartphone. (yes, I use a smartphone to get on BYC about 2/3 of the time because I'm always on the road -_- The other 1/3 is the time when I find time to get on my computer) 3) Man, I LOVE MY DOG FOR LIFE.
Some good BYC Friends I've known for a while

Symphony <3
WillowBranchFarm <3
Jersey Giant Folk <3
Chloe Zoe Bob <3
Chicklover16 <3 AKA idybityprettylidy

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