Whose at the bottom of your pecking order

Our 4.5 month old EE roo also is the low guy on the totem pole. He was our only chick from a clutch of 12 to hatch last August. WE have 13 girls 8 months old and he runs away willy nilly from everyone... One of these days he will turn the tables i guess and all the girls will go running to his handsome self...I hope.
Hmmm...how old are yours, 'cause I STILL don't have it down yet either. I swear, I think they keep changing order (is that possible?)!! Even top dog seems to change - I use to think maybe my black australorp was in charge, but now I think it's my GLW (whom I thought was one of the bottom three a few weeks ago). All of them are still doing quite a bit of chest butting and neck stretching here and there, but other than those times, they all get along really well as far as I can tell. Mine are almost 14 weeks, so I would have thought it'd be obvious by now...
Chuckles , a small booted bantam was at the bottom , but she is a fast mover and always got away from the bossy Standard size hens.
Then we got Sophia - a tiny white silkie and even Chuckels will give her a peck sometimes.... sad because Sophia can't see past her fuzzy head
feathers so she gets cornered, but they don't hurt her, they bully her , they just make sure she's no threat I guess.
I think it's based on size and who's new.

I have a new Standard coming so it'll be interesting to see where he fits in.

I have 2 Sussex's and one used to be the top bird but they switched it over recently and now the other one is top bird.
The top bird makes sure everyone is aware of planes, geese, hawks flying overhead.. that everyone takes their place in the congo line
in the correct order when they all go for a walk. Top bird also decides when others have had their share of treats too.

Dad thinks it's Bossy, because she's had her feathers picked; I don't think it is, because she never lets herself be driven away from the food, but the Welsummers are always chased away.

Who knows? Chickens are weird.
Right now it's my RIR, Red. (son named her)

But after I integrate my chicks in, I think it will be Mr. Snuggles on the bottom.

Edited: added wrong picture.
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My birds are almost 10 months old, and apart from a few of them pecking each other in the eyes for a few days after we got them, I haven't seen any posturing behavior. I've got a flock of 8 Speckled Sussex and 6 Delaware that have been together since day one.

I do realize that I'm jinxing myself by writing this. Let the feather plucking begin.

I don't know if it's because of so many groups or what, but mine don't really have a pecking order. The eldest are Blue and Sisters, and Red the RIR, but they don't really separate themselves. Everyone eats together, sleeps together.. etc. I wonder if the Tree Chickens have an order and the ones on the lower branches are the offerings to whomever climbs the tree?

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