Whose Hatching Around the 31rst? !!!Come On Join In On This Post!!!

I have 2 Buff Orpington's due on the 30th, 3 more on June 1st and 3 quail on the 3rd.

I candled everyone yesterday again, all's well except I can't get a good look at the one quail.
This morning I have a chick!!! It's an EE I guess- mom is a mutt/EE and dad is an EE.. I also have another pipped egg, but the chick keeps sticking it's beak out the hole and chirping back at the other one..
Ahhhh so my eggs are doing *nothing* and it's day 20. Should I be worried? I'm a chronic candler...so I checked them this morning and they are still alive.

DH is threatening to take my candling bulb to work with him so I'll just leave them well enough alone.
TicketyBoo, I was surprised mine were moving and chirping so much.. I didn't know they did that. Yours should be ok, but you probably should leave them alone since they are supposed to stay still after day 18.
Tell that to my hatched chicks though... I have two now
and they are scooting all of the other eggs around the incubator.

I can't believe I've hatched chicks! lol

Due to the high humidity here, incubator humidity was running 62-65% the first 18 days (now 67%).. So I'm happy that things are going well so far. They were officially due very late this evening.

Clearly I have a problem keeping my hands of too.. I was convinced that the second one had the shell dried/stuck on it's head, so I opened the bator to help. It was sort of connected but not dried....would have been fine without my help...
I should have reminded myself that dryness is unlikely to be a problem since the humidity is high.

I'm anxious about my Marans/Ameraucana crosses.. I bought a blue Marans hen that had been with a blue Ameraucana roo and I saved the first 5 eggs she laid for hatching... I sooo want chicks from that cross!! They were moving yesterday... oh, the waiting....
I have 14 eggs due on the 1st! I just took them out of the cartons and added water and a wet sponge about an hour ago.

Last round I made the mistake of opening the bator during the last three days and I had peepers that never pipped. I think it was because I opened it and messed up the humidity. Learned my lesson! DO NOT OPEN AFTER DAY 18!! Even if you want to candle, resist because you could be killing chicks!

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