Whose YOUR favorite chicken?


Mary Catherine, of course. The world's most beautiful chicken!!! And getting prettier every year.
Here is Little Lady... I have had the pleasure of having her in my life since she was just 2 weeks old. When she was a little thing she would like to sit in my hand and look down on her brothers and sisters... Since then we have been inseperable! She is my dolly!


First chick on the left


My girl!


my one & only rooster, Arlo, a Millie Fleur, came into my life at 5 weeks old. He knew his name, loved to snuggle under my chin, cooed during baths, enjoyed being carried around in a basket, watched cartoons, went everywhere with me including the grocery store. He loved his Daddy & several neighbors would come to our house to visit & hold him!! His tail feathers didn't grow in after his first molt, all he had were these little stubblies! He slept on my bed, enjoyed the tortoise's company, loved pizza. He was a great little man.
For me It has to be my Bertha.

She is Speckled sussex - not sure her age but I am guessing about 4 - I got her 3 yrs back and she was fully grown then.

Here she is in better days:


Here she is with her babies

And here she is brooding the chicks - right up until 18 weeks. She would push them into a corner and sit on them all wether they wanted her to or not!

Sadly she was not well most of this year as she had a bad accident and tore the ligament in her leg. She had to be nursed for a good lot of months! Now she hobbles about,
we would never part with her though. We go out of our way to lift her off the roost bars so she doesn't hurt herself more, and DH spoils her rotten. She gave us chicks and although she hardly lays an egg these days we love her and she is retired now!

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