Why a guinea?


12 Years
Sep 2, 2007
Hi all, I have a whole bunch of questions to ask about guineas!
Can anyone tell me why they keep them? Do people 'do' anything with them? Eggs? Meat? Are they just for interest sake, or pest control? Can they live alongside chickens in their coop?
Lastly and most importantly... how noisy are they? My neighbours have bravely smiled through our roosters' screeches. We won't be keeping the roosters because of aggressive roo issues, but if a guinea's decibel level is somewhere between a BA-KAWing hen and a rooster maybe they are something we could consider. They look like really neat birds.
Guinea's are quite loud. The may only be a little louder than a roosters crow, but they make much more noise in the long run. They are most often kept for pest control, but I know people who eat them and their eggs.

If your neighbors have acknowledged your rooster's crow, I would not push the luck with getting guineas.

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Can anyone tell me why they keep them?

They are a good alarm system. They let you know when anything in the yard changes.

Do people 'do' anything with them?

You can do whatever you want with them. They aren't really the best 'pets'. They thrive best when left to their own means.


Yes. Just like chicken eggs.


Yes. To me it is finer than chicken.

Are they just for interest sake, or pest control?

They do a good job of eating bugs, insects, ticks, etc.

Can they live alongside chickens in their coop?

Mine left the coop of their own free will and never went back. They like to roost with the goats. They do their own thing and are best when left alone to be on the wild side.

If they decide they don't like one of your chickens they will gang up on it and attack until they kill it. They will also mate with your chickens. The offspring are ugly. Some people keep them together but I do not.

Lastly and most importantly... how noisy are they? My neighbours have bravely smiled through our roosters' screeches.

If a rooster bothered your neighbors guineas will surely make them wish you would move. Guineas are very loud and the least little thing will set them off. Guinease surely are not for plac`es where you have close neighbors.​
Well, thank you all for your info. While we have 3 acres in a rural setting, we have (very good) neighbours quite close on one side (I wonder what the builders were thinking in the 70's...) I sadly admit guineas sound like they aren't for me.
I honestly think it depends on the guineas themselves. My guineas (free ranging) are actually less noisy than my rooster is. They would occasionally set up an unwarranted fuss but for the most part they were very quiet. And mine roost in the barn at night, before I lost him to a fox family, my male would sing each night while I fed the gang. I really miss his lovely voice.

Oh, and I originally got them for the tick/bug control ... actually that's why I still keep them. As long as I have outdoor pets (dog & cat) that come in the house I'll probably keep guineas.
Do they crow like roosters? Do they cluck like female chickens?

Never heard one before so I am curious!

Are you asking about the singing male? Very soft, just above a whisper and a cross between humming and singing. Truly a lovely sound. But it has to be quiet in the barn in order to hear it. It took us a while to even figure out which "fowl" was doing it since the guineas and the chickens all lined up on the wall together. Eventually we realized his throat was vibrating whenever we heard the "noise".
I am going to try to get a video of my guineas yapping so everyone who wants to hear them can. They have several sounds depending on how threatening they feel a situation is. A bird flying overhead seems to really set them off. OK, I'll be back.

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