Why am I losing buff orphingtons?


In the Brooder
Mar 29, 2017
Pierce City, MO
Hello! I'm fairly new to chicks. I have about 24 right now(a mix of buff orphingtons, black australorps, and 3 wyndottes.) Chicks have clean water, appropriate temperature, food, etc. and are all about the same size. Could anyone tell me why the last two nights I've lost 2 buffs each night? Everyone is happy and healthy when I go to bed and by 7 o'clock there's been 2 dead ones.
Any input would be amazing!
Pasty butt? If these are very young birds check their back sides for poop. If present clean completely and keep an eye on them.
Temperature....during the night the temp drops at around 4 am...You might think the temp is right but it sounds as though it is not...?
Chicks that get cold suffer from starve out because they spend too much time trying to keep warm...Hang a thermometer at Chick height.....Have a warm and cooler end in the brooder...

I have them inside the house and it's fairly warm. Also dead chicks have been in different place every time. Some under light, some not. Could that still be the case? Thank you!
I cleaned butts last night and none were too bad. Can they die from pasty butt overnight? I meant to check the dead chicks butts but I forgot this morning. Thank y'all so much for the input!

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