Why am I still setting eggs? Craziness!


10 Years
Sep 27, 2009
Morrow, AR
I think I've lost my mind! I am setting another 33 eggs tonight, Partridge Penedesenca, Wheaten Penedesenca, Barred Bantam Cochin (Frizzled roo) and 2 SILKIE eggs. I'm so excited~LOL These guys will hatch Nov. 29 and it will be pretty cold here by them. I may have to cut myself off....sigh...I guess I'll be posting them for sale here
For the joy of
the fuzzzy butts greeting you. Iwill lock down Tomorrow
Orps.which will be my last hatch for the season.
chilly nights and days have arrived here.
I will be setting 24 eggs this week.........as soon as they arrive. Many think I am out of control! LOL Sooooo looking forward to it!
I informed my husband last night that I need a brooder building...this is after I took over the whole 16' x 40' shed behind the house, moved all of his stuff and my horse stuff out and installed chicken pens. He just rolled his eyes~LOL I do have a 6' x 12' fiberglass cargo trailer full of stuff from our move that I am considering emptying (and big ol yard sale!). It would be great for brooding babies:D
I'm right there with you. Two incubators going and more eggs on the way...

Hopefully, I'll have a nice young flock this spring while others are just getting their chicks.
I moved my babies from last weekend outside into the barn today. I have a 6 level wooden cabinet brooder that I am trying out. For those 6 it's super roomy on one 24" X 24" shelf. I traded for this along with several 6 & 8 hole wire hutches over a week ago. I *hope* it works great for little babies. With my asthma, I'm healthier with the babies NOT in the house, but we'll just see how this goes
My incubator is on with nothing in it.
My darn chickens are molting which = NO EGGS!!
But I still have hope, that is why its still on. I am keeping it warm. Positive thinking sometimes works !!

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