Why are Guineas so contrary?


Dux eradication specialist
8 Years
Jul 11, 2014
Orrock township, Minnesota
I let the birds out in the morning and the chickens run out. The guineas stay in the coop and debate for an hour or two before they decide to come out.

In the evening I have to run them into the coop, or they roost on the roof of the coop. Once I get them all inside, there is always a couple that need to be chased around a few times before going in, they spend an hour debating whether they should stay there or not.

I have 22 chickens that live in the same coop as the Guineas, I actually feel sorry for those chickens, but my other coop is full.
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Are your guineas pretty young? This sounds like the behavior of juveniles. Once they are adult they usually know where they are supposed to be at night. But it is not unusual for my adults to wait until it is getting dark before heading in.
Are your guineas pretty young? This sounds like the behavior of juveniles. Once they are adult they usually know where they are supposed to be at night. But it is not unusual for my adults to wait until it is getting dark before heading in.

Yep, They are all young. The oldest were hatched the end of May. The youngest are about 8 weeks old.
Then this too shall pass!

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