Why are most BYC'ers female?

Yep, I was just going to say that while more outspoken members are female, I think plenty of guys are here, they are just not as likely to speak up. We female types are just more chatty. Also, the guys depend on their 'better halves' to tell them when they need to look at something here! (like someone's new coop design or good idea about this or that!
Except for us women who have to sit in an office all day and clean strangers houses for pay on the weekends.
I think it is partly that women tend more to see chickens as pets and this is a pet site to a large degree. I think women tend to exhibit their nurturing differently than men, in general. Whether that is hereditary or environmental, I'll let others argue. Nature requires a mother to stay close to her baby to provide milk and care, while the man was free to leave the baby for longer periods of time to hunt, build a shelter, or whatever.

Why have chickens

Several people use this site for socializing as much or more than for things chicken. Again, I think that tends to be mainly women, although I can think of some clear examples where that applies to men. I also think part of it is that women tend to work and live inside with access to the computer at various times, where men tend to spend more time outdoors, whether at work or play. That gives more opportunities for women to join.

I believe there are basic differences in men and women in general, for which I am grateful. But these are general tendencies and can vary greatly by the individual.

Just my opinion.
I'm married, my wife has been home for 31 years, and she works ten times harder than I do every day and continues to work after I return home from work.

I was just waiting for the truck load of PM's to hit me, didn't take long at all... Experiment complete, you can stop now.
"Ask and ye shall receive..."
My husband is peripherally involved in our birds, but their care is my responsibility because I don't work outside the home. I'm OK with that.

not. cool.
my mom worked since she was 15. everyday of the week. i never saw her when i was little. why? because she was working
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