Why are my chickens now taking dirt baths?

A good ole dust bath, they make it look so fun, I want to join them.

I'm glad this thread got started. My 4 hens are annoying the crap out of me because they keep knocking their gallon waterer down, then making a big mud hole and playing in it. I know all about the dirt baths, but that leaves them with no water, ha ha! I'm waiting for them to freeze into the water - it got down to 20 last night and they are still doing it.
New Egg

From: Butler Texas
Registered: 02/21/2009
Posts: 20
E-mail PM Re: Why are my chickens now taking dirt baths?newbie question .. My Chicks are in a tractor coop with a penned yard .. I has wire on the bottom as well .. do I need to put dirt in a tub/box so the girls can take a dirt bath? could DE be used

I would say yes-they love it and would truly appreciate it- a good "box" is one of those underbed drawers that have wheels so you can roll it in and out!
Best to you and your feathered friends:welcome
I would say yes-they love it and would truly appreciate it- a good "box" is one of those underbed drawers that have wheels so you can roll it in and out!
Best to you and your feathered friends:welcome

I don't think the pen has room for an under bed draw. But I bet I can get DH to build something for them.

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