Why are my hens laying in winter?


9 Years
Oct 19, 2014
Upstate new york
I live in upstate new York and it is winter time. The day starts around 7:10 am and ends around 4:50 so the days at work very short. Why are my one and a half year old hens laying still! I get eggs from each every day! I thought hens do not lay much in the winter! (I am not using light supplement either)
I'm in Central Oregon and its 19 degrees. My two Sexlinks are like clockwork, but my two Arucaunas and two Buff O's aren't laying at all!
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You're lucky! I'm also in upstate NY, and my four 9 month old chickens are only giving me one egg a day! I expected them to be laying a bit more their first winter, actually.
I am new, but understand that chickens only lay one egg a day, so it sounds like your girls are doing all they can! Please correct me if I'm wrong!
Sorry, I wondered if it sounded confusing when I typed it- I meant one egg total, not from each!
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I live in upstate new York and it is winter time. The day starts around 7:10 am and ends around 4:50 so the days at work very short. Why are my one and a half year old hens laying still! I get eggs from each every day! I thought hens do not lay much in the winter! (I am not using light supplement either)
Sometimes first year layers lay all winter.
What breed are they?

I am new, but understand that chickens only lay one egg a day, so it sounds like your girls are doing all they can! Please correct me if I'm wrong!

Probably means one egg total from nine hens. We have six and get between one and four a day. No supplemental light.
Sounds like more than one to me!
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I live in upstate new York and it is winter time. The day starts around 7:10 am and ends around 4:50 so the days at work very short. Why are my one and a half year old hens laying still! I get eggs from each every day! I thought hens do not lay much in the winter! (I am not using light supplement either)

They must be leghorns or barred rocks?! My 1 1/2 yr olds are still laying everyday, while my 3 black copper Marans (9 month old) took a break way back in October.

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