Why are my hens not laying?


12 Years
Dec 28, 2007
SW Ont, Canada
Hi all, this past week, I have received maybe 5 eggs. I have 6 laying hens.
the last two days I have not received ANY eggs. No isgns of moulting, no signs of rats, etc that coul possibly be taking the eggs.

Any ideas?
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They have been laying since september. they laid fairly consisitently thoroughout the winter, but in the last week--5 eggs from 6 hens, with the last two days nothing! they have all their feathers, are seem healthy and happy. I'm so confused.......
I've noticed that our girls take a break from laying whenever we get serious cold snaps that last a few days. Once it warms up again, they get back on track again. They've been laying since mid-October.

Hope this helps!

WOW! You did really well to get 5 eggs from 6 pullets throughout the winter. What kind of breeds do you have? Are they getting the required amount of light for laying? What are you feeding them? Have they had enough fresh water? It could be a number of things to trigger them to stop. Sometimes they just need to take a little break. Check really well for parasites just to make sure under their wings, around their head, vent, and tail. Sometimes that can be a silent cause. Good luck!

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