Why are people feeding birds yogurt?

My girl heather took a 2 week break from lay eggs after a brief brooding episode she is no longer broody & has started laying again, she has been laying beautiful perfect shaped eggs but not sure if she is getting enough calcium so i started giving her plain yogurt everyday!! Is giving her yogurt everyday good or bad... My rooster has also been eating the yogurt when i give it to my girl... So is this also good for the rooster or not... I am worried about giving my roo the yogurt coz i read somewhere that it can cause kidney failure if roosters gets too much calcium... Any info would be greatly appreciated!! These are my babies & i would hate for them to get sick giving them the wrong foods... I am still new at raising chickens so any info will help me out! Thanks everyone!
Lila Ann
Thanks!! My chickens also loves it especially when its SUPER HOT during the day.... Ok maybe i need stop giving the yogurt everyday & just now & then... Thanks!!!
Lila Ann
I give my girls yogurt just about every morning.
I started to when my first one started laying eggs. She has a habit of laying two soft shell eggs then a double yoked egg then a soft shell and a funky light color deformed egg. They have layer feed available to them at all times however they would rather free range then eat it or the oyster shell which is also available. I figured I needed to find another calcium supply that would help with the soft shell egg issue. The yogurt has helped some however she is still an inconsistent layer.
I have more eggs then I know what to do with so I have been giving some to my boss. He purchases farm fresh eggs often but he says he has never had any that are as rich as mine. He asked me what I feed them and we laughed when I mentioned the yogurt. I can't stop giving them yogurt now. I have the best eggs in the area.
My girl heather took a 2 week break from lay eggs after a brief brooding episode she is no longer broody & has started laying again, she has been laying beautiful perfect shaped eggs but not sure if she is getting enough calcium so i started giving her plain yogurt everyday!! Is giving her yogurt everyday good or bad... My rooster has also been eating the yogurt when i give it to my girl... So is this also good for the rooster or not... I am worried about giving my roo the yogurt coz i read somewhere that it can cause kidney failure if roosters gets too much calcium... Any info would be greatly appreciated!! These are my babies & i would hate for them to get sick giving them the wrong foods... I am still new at raising chickens so any info will help me out! Thanks everyone!
Lila Ann
What kinda yogurt are u feeding ur chickens

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