Why Are these Eggs Bloody?

There is the possibility that while she is making the egg and it's passing through her the blood is from a ruptured blood vessel. She may have a few like this before it heals up.

Just a thought

I believe she is speaking of bloody inside not smeared on the shells. Bloody inside inidicates fertile egg development by at least 3 - 5 days.
The blood is not on the outside of the shell....correct....
It is not on the yolk or sperm niether....
It is all the egg white in the egg that was bloody....

Another one was just the egg white rose colored.....
Not unless they are coming down off of roost to do it, I don't believe. Cause she is laying in between 9pm-7am.

This is getting tricky!!
No....I went ahead and cracked the other 6 eggs of hers in the fridge, and imagine that, the bloody ones.
But I'll tell you what, I talked to lady that always buys them from me and she says that when she opened some of them they were like that too.

So I will keep cracking at this till I get a photo....my husband my get real tired of eggs by the time this is over!!

As soon as I get it I'll post...till then thanks for all the help!!

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