Why are they running into the corn fields!


Jun 16, 2019
my chickens are 5ish months old and Friday, 4 out of 6 disappeared for awhile. Found them in the corn fields, hidden in the tall corn stalks 10 rows in. Every chance they get since the 4 fly out of their run and disappear into the corn field causing us a lot of anxiety finding them. They are currently locked up. What can I do, if anything, to stop this?
my chickens are 5ish months old and Friday, 4 out of 6 disappeared for awhile. Found them in the corn fields, hidden in the tall corn stalks 10 rows in. Every chance they get since the 4 fly out of their run and disappear into the corn field causing us a lot of anxiety finding them. They are currently locked up. What can I do, if anything, to stop this?
Build a big covered area that they can't fly out of.
I also have corn behind my coop this year. My girls LOVE to run into the field and run down the rows. They never hide though. I think it's just great bug eating back there.
They don't seem to stray too far and always come back.

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