I'm real new at chickens but after getting my 8 pullet girls from TSC have wondered why I hadn't done it long before. Well as chicken math goes I am doing pretty well. Eight pullets for eggs with a fuzzy theorem applied equals 5 additional white leghorns and 5 Silver Sebrights. When I saw a picture of a SS I showed my very understanding wife and stated "I need those". Once I had gotten them home and settled in I found that they are a bantam chicken.
Other than the "they look cool" factor, why do you have bantams? They are small and lay small eggs. Is there some other aspect of bantam ownership that I am missing? I love my little spastic SS chicks. Just wondering.
Other than the "they look cool" factor, why do you have bantams? They are small and lay small eggs. Is there some other aspect of bantam ownership that I am missing? I love my little spastic SS chicks. Just wondering.