Just finished watching the Pres speak again. I can't understand how he can sit up there in Washington and no see our country is already in economic crisis. Even my 7 year old granddaughter can understand money is tight because Mommy lost her job. Hes supposed to have insite into what is happening in our country but he must wear blinders. Saying if this bill isnt passed the country will have an economic crisis. Hello what does he think has been happening these last years. Maybe if he added something in the bill to help all the struggling americans instead of corporations it would pass. Here in Florida we have been hit very badly. Unemployment is the highest it has been. Even teachers have been let go because our governor lowered property taxes which in turn lowered our state budget. Then certain counties increased property taxes anyway so in the end we got the shaft again. Big surprise. Well I m done with my rant. I've decided i am not going to watch anymore TV news until this passes it is not worth getting all hepped up.