Why Can't We Have Ordinances to Control Cats? Please?

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This has been going on for over a year, and my birds and ducks are still terrified at having the cats around and on top (and now inside) their pens. i honestly hope my chickens never get used to having a predator around their pen. Not sure if they can decipher one cat from the next. i would hate for them to get so comfortable that a stray cat can stick its paw in and harm them.
If the cats are trying to reach inside the pen, you could put up some 1/2" hardware cloth around the pen.
one solution is to spray the cats a coupla times with a mix of vegetable oil and skunk musk after the owner of the animals is inconvenienced a coupla times they do not seem to roam as much.I use 1 oz skunk musk to 15 ounces of veg oil water guns or spray bottles work equally as well if this does not solve the problem I use stronger mesures
Laws are on the books here in AZ for cat owners similar to the rules dog owners are required to follow, but rarely enforced for some reason. Most cat owners I have met let the darn things out whenever the cat cries at the door....

Even will argue that it is OK and they do no harm....

Then many will blame YOU the livestock owner for killing their pet that they let out without restraint to enter your property and harass or kill that livestock.
I had to net around some parts of our fence to keep our neighbors' cats out. The cats will sometime get in but instead of everyday, it has become once to three times a year. I know you tried net but maybe a stronger or doubled one. It may even be worthwhile to try chicken wire around the top as the wire is too thin to be comfortable for them to climb.

I personally don't like my neighbors' cats in my garden. If I wanted to have a cat in my garden I would get a cat for a pet. I have nothing against cats. I use to have a calico called Whirlygig (my parents still have cats and dad takes them for walks) but I don't want to have to pickup someone elses pets poo out of my veg patch and flower borders. Now that I have chicks I would be just as upset as the OP if the cats were terrifying our pets.
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I think the botom line is that there are enough predators out there then to add a domesticed one to the list.
I am a cat owner, always have been. All rescued, all indoors all the time. Why? Because I don't want MY cat in your yard. I don't want the cat killing the nature animals. I feed it, if it were to kill, it would be for fun.
That being said, I don't want your cat in my yard either. Cats are extremely weary once they get "caught". You need to trap it and that it to the pound. Turn it in as abandoned.
Cats can be trained to use the invisible fence.
Good luck
Stray cats are annoying. I would plead ignorance and just start putting a trap out. As long as the cat stays off your property, it wont get trapped. If it comes over there and goes into the trap, so be it. Take it to the shelter.

There is a tomcat that showed up here recently. Sprayed a bunch of stuff in my carport (grrrrr). The other night I went out to lockup LATE...couple hours after dark as I wasnt home on time. Had just let some new young pullets out of their pen to free range the (fenced) yard. Big tom goes darting out of their pen area where they were all huddled. I thought CRAP, just my luck. Turns out he was eating a mouse he had caught. Didn't bother the pullets.

As long as he doesn't cause problems, I will ignore him. The spraying was a one time issue and hasnt happened since. Weird. Maybe it was a different cat. If it happens again, out the trap goes and off to the shelter the cat will go.

eta: I have 3 cats, all indoor only. I worked for animal control for 7 years. You would be amazed the sheer number of ways cats are injured and killed everyday. Even aside from the usual hit by car, killed by dog, etc.
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Go to the tractor supply store, buy a couple small animal traps. Each cat trapped goes to the shelter/pound. If the owner really loves their animal, they will call the shelter when they notice the cat's missing. If they retrieve their cat, maybe they will realize it may happen again and keep their kitty restrained better. We keep animal traps set 24/7. So far, 5 coon and 4 opossums (1 with a pouch full of babies) and we caught the neighbor's cat, which went directly to the pound.
Cats have a way of knowing exactly who does NOT want them around and then they make a beeline for that neighbor. It never fails. They've never gotten over the fact that after the ancient Egyptians died out, no one has properly worshipped them since.

My cats very quickly learned that the chicks are off-limits and they are actually somewhat afraid of my full-grown hens and show them a wide berth.

We used to have a neighbor who had an avid distaste for cats, so of course our kitties spent most of their time in his yard. We encouraged him to spray them with a hose anytime he saw them, and it did seem to help. Cats don't like water. Have you tried it?
all the neighborhood cats crap in my flowerbeds and gardens; i'm tired of it

everyone around here has like 3 or 4 cats each

there's nothing i can really do about it
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