Why Can't We Have Ordinances to Control Cats? Please?

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Can you add a hotwire to the bottom of your run? A couple of times (or once) of getting zapped and the cat will probably keep its distance.
Very thoughtful post, Chemguy. i appreciate your input. i do believe it's our responsibility to have sturdy pens to protect our flock. This cat falling into one was a fluke, and it won't happen again. But the bigger problem is that this cat and the neighbor's other cat are always hanging around our pens or on top of them. It frightens the birds. We were lucky this time that the beak fracture was such that it will grow back. (i just got back from the vet's office). But having birds running in fright from a cat outside the pen can cause them to hit their head or break a neck. The constant stress affects their immune system and they are more susceptible to illnesses. It's just not a good situation.

Anyhow, i'm going to call Animal Control now and see if they have any suggestions. Thanks again for all the posts and great suggestions.
What do song birds have to do with this thread? Chickens are not song birds. And chickens are just as native to this country as cats are.

The songbirds the cats kill ARE native to this country. Cats are not, and if not contained are pests and hazards to native species. Non native snakes, birds, mammals, etc that are trapped are destroyed, not released. I think it should be the same for feral cats. And cat owners should have the responsibility of making sure their cat is not killing anything or being a pain in someone else's butt. Cat owners shouldn't be exempt from showing respect to their neighbors, allowing your animal to crap all over someone else's yard and harrass their pets is being disrespectful and irresponsible, imho.

Please let us know what happens...
Well, Animal Control told me i can trap the cat if it comes on my property and take it there. When the owners come to pick it up they will have to pay a boarding fee of $12 per day. If the animal is not licensed, they will have to get a valid rabies vaccination, pay to register the cat, and possibly face penalty charges for not having it licensed.

The last thing i want to do is subject this poor cat to the stress of being trapped, hauled off to Animal Control, and exposing it to diseases from other cats. But i'm going to have to do this as a last resort. Perhaps if the owners are inconvenienced enough and have to pay enough, they will make a more concerted effort to keep their animals on their own property, or in their house.

Anyhow, after i get the final vet bill from for my bird's broken beak, i'll send it along to them with a note telling them that i will be trapping their cats if i find them on my property. Heck, i can just pick the cats up and put them in a carrier. i will also tell them that i will notify them if and when i have taken their cats to Animal Control, so they can go retrieve them. Hopefully they will see i'm not trying to be malicious, just protecting my pets.
My Marlin 22 bolt actin with bull barrel and 4x scope has stopped 2 cats from eating anymore chickens. I figure I saved the humane shelter the trouble. Have you seen how many cats they have to put down.
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