Why Can't We Have Ordinances to Control Cats? Please?

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it doesnt matter whaere you live they will NEVER allow you to shoot cats. tell your neighbors that if the cat goes on your property or bothers the chickens again you will shoot the dang thing. that will keep them from letting him out!!!!!
the difference is that these are DOMESTIC cats. It would be like you saying "It's ok that my chickens go into my neighbor's garden and eat the veggies. They are chickens and birds eat veggies" It's ok to free-range your chickens or your cats. The line is drawn when your chickens/cats/dogs enter your neighbor's property. Any damage they do then is entirely avoidable; if they eat the songbirds in your yard, the birds can leave your yard. If the cat is roaming, it will just follow them to where ever they are. Non-feral cats ARE greater danger to songbirds than feral cats. Feral cats (and starving dogs) will kill to eat. They don't have energy reserves to waste just attacking animals for fun. Pet cats are well-fed. They have energy to burn and can enjoy a fun game.

Please read the original post! This IS about a neighbors cat not FERAL! I have very well fed neutered/spayed rescued not bought or bred cats! I know and understand quite exactly what this thread is about and I am very aware of being a responsible pet owner. Which is is why I rescue and adopt animals from shelters and other rescue organizations. I am also a member of the National SPCA as well as my local animal shelter, which by the way I donate both money and items of need to. I also help out with their annual rabies clinic. Believe me I put my actions behind my words. Also, some of my friends are local vets as well as animal control, and wild life and game employees. As I stated earliier, the original poster should and has the right to contact the neighbor or scare away her neighbors cat. Chickens, can will and do beat up on each other and have a pecking order. It IS survival of the fittest in the lives of chickens. The most dominate get to eat first, the lower on the pecking order they are, they get picked on by other chickens, no animal reasons and judges like we do as humans. It is up to us to be responsible, reasonable, kind, considerate, compassionate, forgiving, loving, and educated.

not sure if that was directed at me? My point was that the OP was talking about a domestic/pet cat, not a feral? And I will stand by my theory that the right to have an outdoor cat/dog stops at your property line. Once they cross that boundary, they are fair game for whatever happens to them
I hear you....my neighbor started with two cats...then they moved and left the cats here and right before we know it, we had over 30 cats in our neighborhood!
I don't know how that happened, but thankfully they're all gone (although I've seen a few cats lately!
correct, we shoot anything crossing the fence that can potentially harm any of our animals.... nothing worse than people trying to tip toe over an irresponsible pet owner's feeling and risking their own pets safety.
Cats raised with chickens or that are used to chickens are a different story as to cats that see chickens as food or a playtoy.

Here I don't think you can shoot it unless it's in the act or was in the act and is getting away or in a corner somewhere... Licking it's paws.. Urg.. But I don't give cats the chance. I have one of those sprayers attached to the garden hose, it's a sprayer that shoots out water and when put on full pressure it hurts like a paintball on your bum. Very good for cleaning poop off of sidewalks and porches.

It's fast and goes far too so I don't usually miss. No cats have entered my yard recently!
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Depends on where you live? Rats aren't very common here, in fact I've only seen them in pet stores. Mice, on the other hand, are quite common. The mouse population has gone down big time around the house and surrounding property. For the ones inside, they get caught in sticky traps. For the ones in the backyard, the dogs kill. For the ones everywhere else, they are scarfed down by my girls.
Chickens are quite the pest controllers.
Caution ....... Caution ........ The following is dangerous!

The following link is from the CDC. I like the part that states that keeping a cat indoors protects it from getting toxoplasmosis.


My favorite parts in the following link is the parts that state that there could be a link between toxoplasmosis and brain cancer in humans. The link between personality changes in both humans and animals is not too shabby either. I have found other links and studies (in addition to this one) that in addition to the alley cats and sex kittens (to be honest I am upset that this one skipped me as I have had lots of cats) stated in this article that shows links between toxoplasmosis and developing schizophrenia. As a kicker for all you animal lovers, rehabers and those who like animals better than humans, toxoplasmosis has already been linked to brain tumors in animals.


No, no I've changed my mind all of you advocates for Freedom For All Cats Today or FFACT for short are right. The right for the household Moggy to roam is paramount. Nothing should get in the way! No amount of research, links or studies should be considered.

Pooing in your neighbors garden, Bah Humbug.

Scaring their chickens, Pull The Other One.

Birds? We don't need no stinking birds.

Doggy Woggy getting and slowly dying from a brain tumor. I always liked the cat better.

Chance of neighbor, parents, husband, wife, kids or grandchildren getting schizophrenia. Well, when a kitty has got to go a kitty has got to go.

Possible link to brain cancer in humans ????

Give me a F! Give me another F! Give me a A, C, T. Now what does that spell ............
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Yes indeed many good and valid points to ponder in this thread....

Just for the record a cat WILL kill chicks up to 4 months old, I have seen it more than once in my 55 years. My grandmothers tame fat house cat would nab a baby now and then and the barn cats (feral) would take them as well if they got a chance. After 5 months of age or so the tables turn and the cats left the chickens alone for the most part.

To cat and chicken owners... Be very careful to protect chicks and young birds from a possible attack when around pet or feral cats....
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