Why Can't We Have Ordinances to Control Cats? Please?

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Howdy, I was trying to make the point that the cat should not be on my property to deal with in the first place.

We have our own way of dealing with them so that is not an issue.

Cheers, Bill
I read the attitude of some of you cat owners and it just makes me shake my head....

Where do you get the idea that a cat should have the right to run free when you yourselves will flip out over someones dog being lose chasing your free cat?

What is the deal? Must one sign an oath of irresponsibility and selfishness to own a cat?

This is not in any way directed at all cat owners as many take it seriously and keep their pet inside or restrained, but the rest and many that have posted in this thread are....just....well....heck I got no words other than selfish, and YOU are the problem and it just may cost your beloved, longing to roam, pet its life.

Get a grip people and if you want to call me a jerk for this post give me some real good reasons I should have to deal with your pet on my property while I take every effort to be sure you do not have to deal with my animals on yours.

It will have to be better than wringing your hands and saying "they just must be free to roam"

I am sorry it is so hard for you to accept any perspective other than your own. As a matter of fact, I do not "flip" if a dog or other animal harasses my cat. I realize there is a risk in letting them out, even to the limited extent that I do it, and I accept that. Just like I still drive my car even though I am aware of the frequency of car accidents. Sometimes the gain in quality of life is worth the risk. As for your comment my own selfishness costing my pet's life -- Well, I see the exact opposite. I think it is selfish to confine them to prolong their lives. I think they would accept the risk, if they were capable of weighing the risks and benefits. But they are not capable, so I have to do that for them.​
Yes, I do like links, studies and research. I find no point in posting an opinion without something to back it up.

BTW, cats live longer, happier and healthier lives when they are kept indoors.

Also, just because someone doesn't like other peoples cats on their property doesn't mean they don't like cats. I like cats. I've said before that I have had cats. I just don't like everyone else's cat and I certainly don't like to pick up other people's cat's mess - poo or dead animals. I use to have a toad and a hedgehog in my garden. The toad lived in the veg patch and the hedgehog in a little group of trees, downed branches and tall grass. Both of them are now in the great wild animal heaven in the sky thanks to a couple of neighborhood moggies that decided to "play" with them. I personally think the hedgehog and the toad got the short end of the stick in the game and didn't have very much fun. I got the "fun" of getting rid of their tiny bodies.

Also, the country I live in is a nation of "animal lovers". Not too long ago a young man was killed by a polarbear and the amount of people, on one site I read, that were upset the bear was killed and not about the death of the young man was amazing. Goodness knows that if I used paintballs, waterguns or anything else to scare off Mr. Kitty, I might just get hate mail. So, I am left with the option of preventing Mr. Kitty from getting in or wanting to stay in. I have bought ultasonic devices, netting, sprays, powders, plastic spikes and many other things. It has cost us hundred's just in deterrents and more hundred's in killed/damaged plants, pooed in potting soil and damaged/fouled fruit and veg. I'm not even including the amount of time we lost/used. You see here Mr. Kitty has a right to roam and there is nothing I can do about it. I have managed to keep the pooing down to just 1 to 3 times a year.

As far as I'm concerned, Mr. Kitty's rights should end where ours and our chickens begin.
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bertman and janinepeters,

I respect and appreciate that you value the quality of life for your pet so much, and I do agree that getting outdoor time is very enriching for any animal's life. I do not deny this at all and make sure that all of my animals enjoy safe outdoor time myself.
I am only curious why you and so many others would not choose to give totally free range when there are alternatives? Dog owners, livestock owners, etc... must not allow their animals to roam 'at large', which is a respectful and responsible thing to do. I am trying to understand: Is it okay to let a cat wander where it will? Is it okay to let a dog wander where it will? A horse?

I understand that you and your neighbor(s?) have an understanding or that there is no problem with your cat being on their property. I think it's fantastic that you are sensitive to their wishes. But, and I mean no disrespect to you, it is nearly impossible to know where all your cat roams unless you are actively watching all day. Yes, cats and other animals are indeed creatures of habit. However, even individual animals I have known innately for decades, that I thought would 'never do this' or 'never go there' have surprised me sometimes.

Also, and I say this without knowing your neighbors, but I can only speak from personal experience... but there is a big social disconnect at play here, too. If I may use an example: we have an across-the-street neighbor family that I really adore. They are very nice people, really! We talk often and I am very happy to be friendly with them because frankly there is nothing like having a good neighbor. It makes life easier and gives you a bit more security, knowing that your neighbor will help look out for you and vice versa. They have a large dog, and because we live in the country they usually walk her without a leash. The dog sort-of obeys them, and is a friendly dog, and genuinely to date has not done anything wrong... but I have no doubt it would at least chase (if not kill, I don't know) my chickens. I have politely voiced my concern, and in a friendly manner she told me that her dog would never want to hurt the chickens, and she continues to walk her off-leash (and the dog often runs down into our yard, especially if we are outside, to greet us). She knows her dog better than I do, but I have seen the dog's body language when she brought it down to the coop (on leash this time) when they visited once, and that dog wanted the chickens in a bad way. It really, really makes me nervous, especially since my chickens are loved pets. I could really press the issue and make a problem between us and the neighbors, which I hate to do so-- especially for a situation that shouldn't even be happening in the first place.

Why do I bring this example up? Because sometimes it is unfair to wait until you have a complaint. Now, bertman, I know in your situation your neighbor probably does not have chickens or animals to worry about and it seems you have already discussed the situation with them and it's okay, so I am not picking on you specifically!... I am just bringing this up for other readers to possibly consider.
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This is where I'm at, too - I love cats, have had cat(s) for 20+ years, however I don't like cleaning up after other people's cats. I have never let my animals roam around and poop in other people's yards - why should I have to clean up after other people's cats? I'm not even that concerned about my chickens and the cats - my coop is quite secure - but just because people think their cats need to experience the great outdoors shouldn't mean that I have to take care of cleaning up after them. If you want your cats to be indoor/outdoor cats and you don't live on an acreage, then you should be responsible to make sure they're not being a nuisance to other people. And just because you don't hear someone complaining doesn't mean they're not irritated about it. I'm not always sure which cat belongs to whom and which ones are doing the pooping (if I caught them in the act, I would be certain to make clear they were not wanted), so how can I complain to anyone? There are a number of cats I seem roaming around, that I'm pretty sure are not feral, but I have no idea who the owners are.
MuckyPuppy, if cats are happier when kept indoors, why do all mine choose to walk out of the doggy door?

I suppose dogs are happier when kept in crates too? I have yet to find a pet of any type that does not love to go outdoors.

In your research, look up Stockholm Syndrome and psychological effects of imprisonment.

As for trapping and re-locating wandering cats, I do not believe this is legal. It is also cruel to the cat that depends on his human for food.

Two of my cats were found in the woods of West Virginia - apparently dumped becuase the mommy cat had kittens. They could not be better pets, vicious killers of snakes in the basement, squirrels in the attic, shrews in the garden... The kitten spent the first months of her life in the wild, killing for food - that would be the cat pictured allowing the chicken to dine from her dish. Yet, my cats guard my ducks and chickens. The feral farm cats can get nowhere near my free-rangers.

You may trap cats and take them to a shelter. If the owners are really irresponsible, the cat will be legally re-homed. If the owner chooses to claim his own cat at a shelter, he will have to repeatedly pay fees. The shelter may also exert pressure on the owner to keep it off your property.
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~KH~ :

And just because you don't hear someone complaining doesn't mean they're not irritated about it. I'm not always sure which cat belongs to whom and which ones are doing the pooping (if I caught them in the act, I would be certain to make clear they were not wanted), so how can I complain to anyone? There are a number of cats I seem roaming around, that I'm pretty sure are not feral, but I have no idea who the owners are.

Thank you, this is one thing I was trying to address but wasn't able to say it so clearly!
I hate cats, but I have no problem with people having cats... but if they really cared for the cat, they would figure out a way to let them out in a controlled environment, just as I do with my dogs. I think it's rude to create that kind of problem for your neighbor.

I think it's very hyporcritical for cat owners to think it's ok for them to let their cats roam free, but not anyone else's pets.

I think the OP has tried being reasonable, it's time to start hitting them in the pocketbook!
I love cats! I love dogs! I love chickens! I have all three living in harmony at my house! My cat sits and watches the chickens, but she is terrified of them. We feed her lots and she catches mice in my neighbors barn. We were worried at first, but she has never bothered them. You probably have a case of an underfed cat at your neighbors house. They really need to address it and fix it. Maybe you should write them a letter. it is always easier to yell at someone over a letter or a text or something. you could send them an anonymous letter and say anything you want and they won't know its you!
Do you ever have problems with dogs?
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