Why Can't You Put Quail and Chickens Together

so far, I am new here, but I have observered many varieties of "quail people" here., here are "my" simple observations.

there are people "who own quails", they may have them as an afterthought, they may think of them as "small chickens".
there are people "who know quails", they have a little more knowledge, they may still "think" like chickens.
and there are the "Keepers of the Quail"- there are few of these, very special, rare and proud breed, don't mess with them., if you ask a "question" be prepared for an "answer", and the C-word may invite disaster...

and you must travel through all levels of the kingdom to find the answers you seek.


Well said my friend!!

Rozzie, I'd be careful and separate the Pterodactyls before the quail breeding season starts. The Pterodactyls may get beat up some.
However, if I remember correctly, you've also only had this batch of birds for a few months. You don't exactly have the perspective of a long time period to look back on here in giving this advice based on your own experience. It seems like it was just a matter of months ago that the birds in your picture hatched and I was giving you Newbie advice about your quail chicks, as were others.

Yes Rozzie thats correct, my first quail hatched in December. The advice I gave was given on what I have experience so far with my birds, and non of them have gotten sick. I'm still a bit of a newbie but I have enough info now to make my own opinions.
Coturnix, or ANY quail can'r be free ranged.

I've seen people with free ranging coturnix before

Free range all you want, just make sure to feed them some lead bricks with their dog food and scratch. That way they won't fly away.
I've seen people with free ranging coturnix before

Free range all you want, just make sure to feed them some lead bricks with their dog food and scratch. That way they won't fly away.

lol, just flap and flap and flap until they attract the attention of a local cat
curse that Easter bunny!! He only left me a box of wine....

He left me a box of arrows so I can supplement those raccoon's diet.
isn't anyone going to ask the eternal question -- what happens if quail are kept with Ameracauna chickens?" so that someone else can jump in and say, 'Those are NOT Ameracaunas, they are Easter Eggers' --and that opens up another area of endless debate ---

In the 'Wonderful World of Quail' is there a comparable argument -- as the 'no, not an Ameracauna but an EE?'

do the quail people get all into the 'hatchery-quality' vs. 'breeder' type discussions -- ????

it would seem that this group would be all over that kind of discussion, too!

(I like the 'silly' answers when a topic or a poster gets overly serious and slips into 'mean')

Keep it up, Quail People -- :) Now I want quail!

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