Why Can't You Put Quail and Chickens Together

I lurked on this section of the BYC forum for months and read 3 or 4 months of previous postings including the sticky info FAQ before I would even think of posting a question/comment about quail. To me it is a common courtesy to do this on any forum that I join.

I learned that most of the great info comes from those who have raised quail for years and/or have had training in flock husbandry. They have seen many problems arise and want you to learn from their heartbreaking mistakes. When these folks say it's inherently dangerous for your quail to be raised with chickens then I know they are trying to protect us from potential disaster and save us all a boat load of money and wasted effort. I gratefully thank them all for sharing their hard won experiences, which they willingly provide for free.

From my business experience I know that one of the most important things to consider is Risk Analysis. Ignoring risks is to willingly court disaster. Whether the disaster occurs is a matter of luck. I certainly wouldn't ignore a risk that a credible source has put forward and I would definitely change my practices / planning to try to eliminate that risk entirely.
Well said
Cats, dogs, rats, coons, and MANY other things love the taste of quail.. but I said my peace, The non-believers will have to live and learn just as I did!
You could but it wouldn't help. they can waddle faster than they can fly anyway. Plus 1 out of 100 will even come back to get food. A coon will kill them in a heart beat.
They're all near the same. Some bloodlines posess desired traits and so on but unless you're really picky they're the same... Plus some breeder's stock has very likely had hatchery blood introduced at some point in time...
so far, I am new here, but I have observered many varieties of "quail people" here., here are "my" simple observations.

there are people "who own quails", they may have them as an afterthought, they may think of them as "small chickens".
there are people "who know quails", they have a little more knowledge, they may still "think" like chickens.
and there are the "Keepers of the Quail"- there are few of these, very special, rare and proud breed, don't mess with them., if you ask a "question" be prepared for an "answer", and the C-word may invite disaster...

and you must travel through all levels of the kingdom to find the answers you seek.


Well said my friend!!

Rozzie, I'd be careful and separate the Pterodactyls before the quail breeding season starts. The Pterodactyls may get beat up some.

Oh, for sure! I've got two button quail males who I'm convinced would attempt to take out the pterodactyls!

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