Why Can't You Put Quail and Chickens Together

So if I only have birds I hatched from eggs I should be fine?
If I do that, do you think having coturnix quail in pens inside a chicken run will be ok?
If not, what do you recommend for keeping both type of birds?
Just to be safe, chickens on one side of the yard and quail on the other.
As chicks hatched together, it may be ok for a while. BUT then disease mutate differently with in a host body and eventually the chicken or quail will cause problem for one another.
I've read it on here, and now seen it in person. Believe me, cross transmission isn't pretty.
No. There is no circumstance that it is ok to keep chickens in contact with any game bird. Coryza is one disease. There are others that they can hatch with. Tests are expensive and limited in accuracy, if tests are available at all. Keep them separate and wash your hands in between. Even then your birds can contract infectious diseases any day of the week from several environmental factors like bugs they eat.

Here is a clinical list of common parasites.

The most common game bird diseases

The most complete disease/parasite list I've found.
No. There is no circumstance that it is ok to keep chickens in contact with any game bird. Coryza is one disease. There are others that they can hatch with. Tests are expensive and limited in accuracy, if tests are available at all. Keep them separate and wash your hands in between. Even then your birds can contract infectious diseases any day of the week from several environmental factors like bugs they eat.

Here is a clinical list of common parasites.

The most common game bird diseases

The most complete disease/parasite list I've found.

Thanks for the links!
I was a zookeeper in two different zoos and the biggest problem we had was wild birds
bringing in disease by going through the chain link or pooping through the wires.
Pigeons were especially bad.
I have a bird building where I will keep button and African Harlequin quail, perhaps a couple of coturnix
trios inside would be ok too.
I have a lot of land, it is just where things are located that is my problem.
Around the building I have electricity and water, hot water inside with a deep sink.
I am not going to do a lot of coturnix quail but the wife loves their eggs.
I am not going to do a lot of coturnix quail but the wife loves their eggs.
Yeah... about that.... I only planned on having 12 separated into 3 cages... that was 53 birds, 10 cages ago and hundreds of dozens of eggs ago.
I refer to this site as "Quail Anonymous"... we come here and tell of our addiction to quail. The fun part is, nobody (and I mean NOBODY) logs on with intentions of trying to help prevent our addiction (edited to add:) UNLESS you are planning on raising chickens and quail.
Good luck
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Hahaha James. I'm already thinking about calling my buddy and telling him to move his stuff out of my garage so I can put in more pens.
He lost his house so I let him temporarily store his stuff in my garage....four years ago. Lol, I haven't seen or heard from him since. Just hear from mutual friends that he is still around.
I just don't have a number or anyway to reach him.
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No 1/4 say dont the other 3/4 say u can just pick. I thinking about it and im just going to hatch them with some chickens and hope they protect them
The 1/4 that say don't keep chickens with quail say it because there are thousands of pages of scientific information to back it up. Chickens are disease baskets, quail are clean. I really don't see why anyone would mix the two after being provided the science to see the potential damage.
DC X2 Not only can chickens carry harmful diseases but they are much larger and have been known to kill quail, even if they were all raised together. Chickens have a much different diet then that of quail. There is hardly any point to keeping these two species together. Chickens need their own quarters as do quail.
this is a tad old thread but home someone can help out...

first let me say i know that you "do not want to keep chickens and quail in the same pen/run etc." and I am not planning or wanting too.. personal choice dont want to take the chance of anything either way after spending the money to build and buy things to have both types of birds.

we will be washing our hands after handling quail before chicken and vice versa.

the one thing i havent learned from reading the threads on chickens and quail is the more detail of what separate is classified as (as i know no run nor shared closed coop), as after the first few posts its just people going back and forth saying yes its ok and no its not...

so here are my questions:

scenario 1 - if you are using a decent size storage shed.. the quail are in cages (not free range) and the only thing of chicken in there is the plywood walls (plywood top also) of the coop where the only thing that opens is the nest box, to get inside the chicken coop you do so through the run access of the chicken yard and then the outside door of the coop is there... is this still classified as having contact with the chickens or does the setup a division of contact (if that makes sense)?

scenario 2- quail are in the storage shed in cages and chickens are in a chicken coop run totally separate, even though they wouldnt be in separate parts of the yard at all times in a sense, but the quail is always in doors (the shed, has vents, window etc.)

scenario 3- either option stated above would be okay?

the reason for my questions is that i want to understand more of what is classified together when it comes to quail and chickens, plus too want to learn more if the stuff that chickens can pass to quail is due to contact with the chicken literally and or their poop or is it an air borne thing (as im sure quail can give chicken things too i just havent heard of the same amount of cases).

ty in advance

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