Why Did the Chicken Get Run Over When He Tried to Cross the Road?


5 Years
Jan 27, 2014
Central Oregon

He couldn't see the car coming!!
Are you being serious? I've yet to meet a polish of any kind that could be labeled as the meanest anything.
Oh yes I'm serious. A friend had polish roosters, and they would hide under the deck, stalking you. They'd wait until you were busy doing chicken chores, then run out and flog you en masse. They were terrible! It didn't matter who was in the yard, they would attack anybody.
Oh wow! They sound like a handful. Guess I'm lucky, none of my guys are anything like that, I've had nothing but enjoyment from them. I'm glad, though. I don't take too kindly to birds with that kind of attitude problem.
Oh wow! They sound like a handful. Guess I'm lucky, none of my guys are anything like that, I've had nothing but enjoyment from them. I'm glad, though. I don't take too kindly to birds with that kind of attitude problem.
They sure were. I'm glad to hear yours are well behaved. Life is too short for nasty chickens-although I've heard they make great stews. LOL

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