Why do I continue to watch Animal Cops, on Animal Planet? GRAPHIC!!!

i disagree it does choak and hurt them it's meant to wrap tightly around their neck so they cannot escape....and they hang and drag the animals. Im done trying to explain this. If you havent been in a choaking situation before you wouldnt understand. I've seen catchpoles up close its pretty much a noose.

They give up all they have for the animals? All i've seen hoarders give their animals is free range of breeding, starving and disease. I'm not about to pitty someone who mistreats animals. I will never understand what separates illness from abuse. To me you could also say that anyone who murders someone or an animal has a mental condition...but many who do such things wind up in jail.

Like i said though im done trying to explain my feelings on this, these are just my oppinons on why i really dont like the show. Theres better ways to catch animals (esp in a house)----and SOME on the show have taken those methods to use and i am glad.
Catchpoles dont choke them. Theres a button on there you click when its on the animals neck, so no it diesnt choke them. It fits like a collar would. I had seen them used and used them. They dont get chocked and they dont die. yes they get scared and freaked out, but not hurt.

Hoarders usually spend what little money they have on animals food, no it amy not look like it,but they do. Their houses are messes and dirty,but they think they are caring for the animals. its hard to understand and accpet,but its the truth.

abuse is when you do it on purpose, you dont feed the animals are you hit them. illness is when the eprson thinks they are doing whats best,even when their not. Hoarders dont mistreat on purpose.
I find it amusing when I see they are all in good shape and there are no feces all over.
But when they are not fed right and poop all over with no clean up it is disturbing. I love cats and would have 10 if I could keep up with them. I know I can't so I have two.
I never liked the catch pole either.. alot of animals are irritated by collars if they aren't used to them, and then to be led around by it.. most cats don't like that and they aren't going to walk or cooperate, thats when alot of the people drag them to the vehicle. Yes, the catch poles don't tighten all the way around the neck, but if you hang a cat with a collar by a leash, its going to choke the cat, its just like that.
I understand why they use them and that they often need to.. and the people don't want to get scratched, but the catch poles are going to make the cat scratch even more.

I had one around my neck, I'd bite and scratch too.

Just my opinion and how I see it. As for the show, I watch it sometimes because I think its pretty interesting and I like that over all, the people are trying to help the animals.

edit for spelling.
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Go volunteer at an animal shelter.. it will all make more sense to you. Sure in a perfect world
there wouldnt be animals in bad situations but work with a few abused/starved animals and that catch pole is their salvation. A few minutes of being scared versus the alternative. Believe me those of you who wont go to a shelter, or watch a tv show.. are really naive to what's really going on and the methods needed to ensure everyone's safety. Ever had a cat scratch ? They can get infected and cause severe medical problems. The fastest most humane method is the catch pole, safe for everyone. I've worked in shelters off and on for years and I've never heard of or seen an animal injured by a catch pole.
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I hope that wasn't aimed at me Nancy..
Several years ago I was catching a nieghbors cat that they didn't want, I figured I could lure it with care food instead of bringing a net, long story short, the cat won the battle, scratched me up, and I ended up with an infection, nothing serious though. I admit a catch pole could have helped to control it in place, long enough to set it in a carrier or hang onto it better, but when they're dragging the animal with the catch pole on the pet shows.. not the greatest thing for the animal. As for animal shelters, we foster animals for them pretty frequently, I've seen them in action, but they use the catch pole the correct way. Lol.
Amos, no not directed at anyone really I just saw a lot of negative posts about animal cops and until you walk in their shoes its really easy to not understand the methods or reasoning behind them. I'll have to watch animal cops more and see if I notice the "drags" havent
seen that yet, although I've seen some go nuts in person and there isnt a whole lot you can
do but wait it out or get them to a kennel asap.

In my house we have a button on the remote and a pin number for lock out.

Animal Planet does nothing for the good people do, they focus on the bad,neglect, abuse etc.
When they first started showing these types of shows I hit the parental control for the simple fact what they were showing as abuse was less by the victim than it was by their means of removal.

Animal planet is banned from my tv.
Same here. I do find I will watch it late at night when nothing is on and I get then get myself all worked up.

I just do not get people who can abandon and abuse animals.
I watched it once.

The only reason I watched it was because it was an episode here in Phoenix, which was rare.

I made it through about 20 minutes.

I will never watch it again

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